Criteo Commerce Marketing Ecosystem ,是一个开放并且可信任的环境,在此零售商、品牌商和发布商通力合作,推动销售利润增长。公司的生态系统通过机器学习,优化海量购物数据,在实现庞大规模的同时提升客户营销绩效。
通过全球发布商提供的以可度量成效为设计初衷的定制视频和展示广告,在整个购物过程中重新吸引购物者。Criteo Dynamic Retargeting 为全球 17000 家营销商所信赖,可利用机器学习来实时提供具相关性的广告。
Criteocomercemarketing ecosystem is an open and trustworthy environment where retailers, brands and publishers work together to drive sales profit growth. Through machine learning, the company's ecosystem optimizes massive shopping data and improves customer marketing performance while achieving a large scale. Through customized videos and display ads designed with measurable results provided by global publishers, shoppers will be attracted again in the whole shopping process. Criteo dynamic retargeting is trusted by 17000 marketers around the world. Machine learning can be used to provide relevant advertisements in real time. Provide appropriate advertising in the shopping process. With a piece of custom code placed on your site, the criteo engine can understand the shopper's participation and improve the advertising effect by providing product suggestions. Get available ad inventory. With the help of thousands of global publishers in the company's open business marketing ecosystem, advertisements can be placed more effectively on professional sites.