1895年,博世公司获得王室首府和官邸城市斯图加特的许可, 开始生产家用电器。在1933年莱比锡春季博览会上,博世冰箱的成功亮相迈开了博世进军家电市场的第一步,更多的博世家电产品接踵而至, 渐渐在炉灶、洗碗机、洗衣机以及电动厨房多用机领域都享有盛名。110年的家电制造历史,一贯高质量的产品,凸显关爱的服务承诺, 使博世一直雄踞欧洲家电市场领导地位。
1967年Bosch 家电结合Siemens(西门子)集团的家电事业组成BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeraete GmbH(简称BSH家电集团)。
如今博西家电集团共拥有 Bosch、Siemens 两大主要品牌、5 个特殊品牌及6 个地区性品牌,在全球各大洲将近50个国家成立分公司或代理商,营销超过 130 个国家,BSH家电集团为世界三大家电制造商之一;Bosch 家电向来以质量可靠与服务优良闻名于世。Bosch 家电的消费者指名度不断攀升,除了Bosch集团的努力,更有德国Bosch工艺的坚持所带来的好口碑。
The world-renowned 100 year old manufacturer of white household appliances is famous for its innovative products and system solutions. It is a world-famous technology and service provider. Bosch is one of the earliest manufacturers of household electrical appliances, and promotes people's quality of life with continuous innovation. In 1933, Bosch launched refrigerators with compressors; in the 1950s and 1960s, Bosch developed modern washing machines and dryers; in 1962, Bosch also pioneered kitchen appliances with various small appliances. In 1895, Bosch obtained permission from Stuttgart, the royal capital and residence city, to start producing household appliances. At the spring Expo in Leipzig in 1933, the successful appearance of Bosch refrigerator started the first step of Bosch's entering the home appliance market. More Bosch home appliance products came one after another, gradually enjoying a good reputation in the fields of stove, dishwasher, washing machine and electric kitchen multi-purpose machine. With 110 years of manufacturing history, consistently high-quality products and outstanding service commitment, Bosch has always been the leader of European household appliances market. In 1967, Bosch household appliances formed bshboschundsiemenshausgeraete GmbH (BSH household appliances group for short) in combination with the household appliances business of Siemens Group. In November 2004, Bosch home appliances were successfully listed in Shanghai. At present, it has successively entered 22 provinces (cities) including Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and achieved good sales. The first batch of products on the market include the computer refrigerator with 0 ℃ Vita fresh keeping technology, the computer washing machine with LCD display and the washing dryer. These products are fully synchronized with the latest technologies in Europe, representing the technology and innovation level of Bosch household appliances. Today, Bosch home appliances group has two major brands, five special brands and six regional brands, and has set up branches or agents in nearly 50 countries on all continents, with more than 130 countries for marketing. BSH home appliances group is one of the three largest home appliance manufacturers in the world. Bosch home appliances has always been famous for its reliable quality and excellent service. In addition to the efforts of Bosch group and the persistence of Bosch technology in Germany, the consumer naming of Bosch home appliances is increasing.