De Nora是全球专业电极、覆层和整体电化学解决方案设计、生产、供应企业,为多类市场提供服务。
公司于1923年由Oronzio De Nora创建,经过多年发展,已成为一家跨国企业,其生产设施亲近所有客户。对电化学领域的忠诚是公司无可争议的传承,凭借对产品和服务的持续发展被视为一家创新企业。
在产品和业务板块,借助污水提标改造和给水深度处理这波市场行情,迪诺拉顺势大力推广明星产品反硝化深床滤池技术和次氯酸钠现场发生器。并持续将国外成熟技术带入中国,以应对农村水环境、工业废水处理、能源和海事领域的水处理等新的市场需求。为了更好地响应客户本地化服务,2015年迪诺拉不仅收购了水环纯净水集团STS(Severn Trent Water Purification Inc.),成立了“迪诺拉水务技术”业务板块,而且对苏州电极生产工厂、山东生产工厂进行资源整合,扩充产品线、建立本地化仓库管理、加大专业化、本地化环保团队的投入。
Originated in 1923 and integrated from the acquisition of Italian ozone system o.e.i in 2015, denora, a global leader in sustainable electrochemical chemistry and water treatment solutions, is a global professional electrode, coating and overall electrochemical solution design, production and supply enterprise, providing services for various markets. Founded in 1923 by oronzio de Nora, after years of development, the company has become a multinational enterprise with production facilities close to all customers. Loyalty to the field of electrochemistry is an indisputable heritage of the company. With the continuous development of products and services, it is regarded as an innovative enterprise. In the product and business sector, dinola vigorously promoted the star products denitrification deep bed filter technology and sodium hypochlorite field generator with the help of the market situation of sewage upgrading and advanced water supply treatment. And continue to bring foreign mature technology into China to meet the new market demand of rural water environment, industrial wastewater treatment, energy and maritime water treatment. In order to better respond to customer localization services, dinola not only acquired STS (severntrentwaterpurification Inc.) of water environment and purified water group in 2015, and established the business section of "dinola water technology", but also integrated the resources of Suzhou electrode production plant and Shandong production plant, expanded the product line, established localized warehouse management, increased specialization and localized environmental protection group Team input.