Blued是一款新鲜有趣的同志软件。你可以通过Blued发现身边的“好基友”,查看他们的个人资料、相册、心情日志,以及联系方式。通过Blued,你还可以免费发送短信、语音、照片以及精准的地理位置,让你和心仪的他在这里相遇、相知、相爱。Blued 2013更加入了朋友圈功能,这样,你就可以与那些好基友们,即时分享你的新鲜动态了!Blued,有爱的!
Blued is a new and interesting gay software. You can find "good friends" around you through blued, check their personal information, photo albums, mood logs, and contact information. Through blued, you can also send free SMS, voice, photos and precise geographical location, so that you and your favorite one can meet, know and love each other here. Blued1013 has added the function of friend circle, so that you can share your new news with those good friends in real time! Blued, there is love! Blued is a product of Beijing Blue City brothers Information Technology Co., Ltd., which forms a product group for Internet services for Chinese comrades, together with light blue net, bf99, v1069 comrades' navigation and light blue public welfare. Blued focuses on the mobile Internet and provides simple and fast services for gay people. Light blue network was founded in November 2000, the team was founded in October 2006, and Beijing Blue City brothers Information Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in September 2011 by Geng Le, a well-known gay public welfare figure. The core team not only gathered many early gay website owners in China, but also professional Internet talents from Alibaba, Baidu, Sina and other companies.