Stella Artois品牌怎么样
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Stella Artois is a special Belgian beer. It is one of the few down fermented lagers produced in Belgium, rather than the traditional up fermented or natural fermented way. It is brewed according to the Pilsner style loved by the people of Eastern Europe. Under the operation of Baiwei Yingbo group, Stella Artois rapidly accounted for 75% of Belgium's beer exports For an international brand, it is sold in more than 80 countries around the world, and time beer has also been promoted to the first-class beer ranks in Belgium. The history of time beer can be traced back to the den Hoorn brewery founded in 1366. At that time, they were still brewing orthodox Belgian beer. In 1425, the unknown town attracted students from all over Europe to study because of the establishment of the University of Leuven, and also spread the name of the brewery. Sebastian Artois bought the wine in 1717 The factory was renamed Artois, and the time brewery was officially established. In 1926, time brewery launched a winter beer that was originally just seasonal in nature, named after Stella (now Stella Artois era beer). It was sold in Canada for the first time and immediately became a very successful commercial beer. It became a beer that was sold all the year round. In addition to World War II, it was produced until Today. In 1960, time beer had been produced more than one million liters per year. By 1993 and 2006, it had been expanded twice. Now it has reached the standard of ten billion liters per year. The brand is currently one of the three global flagship brands of Budweiser InBev group (the other two are Baker and Budweiser), as well as the traditional fist brand of old inbulu (the predecessor of Budweiser InBev group). Time beer is one of the few beers produced in Belgium, which is completely produced by industrial means. It uses some additives and raw material substitutes to produce beer. It keeps close to the original taste of raw materials as much as possible in taste, but it is not as "delicious" as the general Belgian beer, reflecting the characteristics of a comprehensive American style fermentation Lagrange -- clear and transparent, gold Yellow, dry, etc. In addition, time beer does not emphasize rich taste like other Belgian beer. It pays more attention to the original taste of wheat. It is very similar to the Eastern European style beer. It tastes sweet and tastes bitter. The aftertaste is heavy. The hops smell is long-lasting. In the middle, there are some unique Belgian flower and fruit flavors, so it is quickly loved by everyone. Anheuser Busch InBev is a public company with its headquarters in Leuven, Belgium. AB InBev is the world's leading winemaker and one of the world's top five consumer goods companies. As a large-scale company with consumers as the center and sales as the driving force, AB InBev operates more than 200 brands, including global flagship brands such as Budweiser, stellaartois and Baker beer, fast-growing transnational and smooth selling brands such as leffe and Hoegaarden, and budlight, skol, Brahma, Quilmes, Michelob, Harbin beer, Xuejin and klins Koye, sibirskaya, sibirskaya Korona, chernigivske, Jupiler and other local star brands. In addition, the company owns 50% of Grupo modelo. Grupo modelo is a leading brewer in Mexico and the owner of the world-renowned corona beer brand.