





基于金匠家族继承人Pino Rabolini 的灵敏直觉,非凡创意与色彩的代表品牌Pomellato于1967年在米兰诞生。作为将“高级成衣”(prêt-à-porter)理念引入珠宝领域的先驱者,Rabolini 从一开始就为品牌赋予了强烈的个性标识与响应潮流的时尚风格。品牌此后不仅茁壮发展,更为其驻足意大利乃至国际珠宝市场提供了必要条件。

一直以来,Pomellato 将手工技艺置于举足轻重的地位,招贤纳士,汇集了经验十足的手工艺大师。如今,品牌米兰总部拥有超过100位金匠,他们每天都以全情投入的态度与泉涌般的灵感创作 Pomellato 珠宝。


Pomellato 在宣传领域亦享有创意领军人与潮流创造者的美誉,曾邀请 Helmut Newton、Gian Paolo Barbieri、Michel Comte、Paolo Roversi、Javier Vallhonrat、Sølve Sundsbø 以及 Jean-Baptiste Mondin 等摄影师创作广告。

2015年,由Mert 与 Marcus 组合创作的 Pomellato 广告揭开了新灵感缪斯的神秘面纱: Salma Hayek。这一选择优雅柔美并饱含感性的地中海魅力,展现出品牌希望通过敏锐且具个人魅力的女性形象来传播自身价值与理想的强烈意愿。

Founded in Milan in 1967, it is a top Italian handmade jewelry brand popular with thousands of European women. The pioneer who introduced the concept of "advanced ready to wear" into the jewelry field was born in Milan in 1967 based on the sensitive intuition of Pino rabolini, the successor of the goldsmith family, a representative brand of extraordinary creativity and color. As a pioneer of introducing the concept of "PR ê t-à - Porter" into the jewelry field, rabolini has given the brand a strong personal identity and fashion style responsive to the trend from the beginning. Since then, the brand not only thrives, but also provides necessary conditions for it to stop in Italy and even the international jewelry market. For a long time, Pomellato has placed handcraft in a pivotal position, attracting talents and bringing together experienced craftsmen. Today, the headquarters of the brand Milan has more than 100 goldsmiths, who create Pomellato jewelry with full devotion and spring like inspiration every day. Through the combination of various color gemstones, special cutting methods and the creative essence of the master craftsman, the brand shows the original spirit and an open-minded attitude, and gradually grows into a classic modern beauty symbol that breaks through the stereotypes. Pomellato also enjoys a reputation as a creative leader and trendsetter in the field of publicity, and has invited photographers such as Helmut Newton, gianpaolo Barbieri, Michel Comte, Paolo rovers, Javier vallhonrat, s ø lvesundsb ø and Jean Baptiste mondin to create advertisements. In 2015, the Pomellato ad created by Mert and Marcus revealed the mystery of new inspiration Muse: Salma Hayek. This choice is elegant, soft and full of emotional Mediterranean charm, showing the strong will of the brand to spread its own value and ideal through the sharp and charming female image.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/81e873770.html





