I SPA泰美好作为北京第一家专业泰国SPA,于2005年进入中国,在近九年的时间里,公司发展稳健。全球拥有24家店面I SPA泰美好是国内专业SPA公司,在曼谷、北京、上海、广州、深圳、天津、三亚、郑州、西安、石家庄等城市的国际品牌酒店里面有20多家分店,获得多家国际酒店巨头的认可。是希尔顿全国值得信赖的品牌。被评为中国酒店优质服务SPA。也是在世界SPA的首都--泰国曼谷--设有分店的中国SPA公司。我们还是国航凤凰知音卡的SPA合作合作伙伴。
我们的品牌建立在充满爱和尊重的文化氛围中,建立在为每一位有梦想的人提供实现梦想的平台。 我们的使命是“建立一个令人尊敬的SPA品牌” ,从尊敬每一位新员工开始。在I SPA泰美好,客户不是上帝,只是我们的亲人。我们努力关心关照好每一位伙伴,让满意开心的伙伴照顾好客人,客人自然会满意。
A well-known chain brand in beauty industry, a health management company integrating body management / beauty spa and other services, based on big data of life science and artificial intelligence technology. As the first professional spa in Thailand in Beijing, ISPA Taimei entered China in 2005. In the past nine years, the company has developed steadily. There are 24 stores in the world, ISPA Taimei is a professional spa company in China. There are more than 20 branches in international brand hotels in Bangkok, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Sanya, Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Shijiazhuang and other cities, which are recognized by many international hotel giants. Hilton is a national trustworthy brand. It is rated as China hotel quality service spa. It is also a Chinese spa company with a branch in Bangkok, Thailand, the capital of spa in the world. We are also the spa partner of Phoenix Zhiyin card of Air China. Our brand is built in a cultural atmosphere full of love and respect and a platform for everyone with dreams to realize their dreams. Our mission is to "build a respectable spa brand", starting from respecting every new employee. In ISPA Taimei, customers are not God, but our relatives. We try our best to take care of each partner, and let the satisfied and happy partner take care of the guests, and the guests will be satisfied naturally.