全球玻璃钢开放式游艇顶尖品牌,以其独特的设计/速度及高贵外形著称,世界较大的运动型海钓游艇供应商,享有 海上跑车 之称,现归于潍柴控股集团旗下
Perishing虽只有20多年历史,却是承袭欧洲和意大利游艇的优良传统,以其独特设计、速度及外形见称,就是“We build exclusive, high-performance yachts that turn our passion into emotions for our client”。渊源方面,PERSHING亦是起源自个人对游艇工艺的热爱,对海洋文化的激情。1981年,当时4名小伙子在满腔热诚下,在对游艇市场有独特的见解,便开始游艇设计和制作,经过3年的努力和奋斗,一艘在追求速度的同时,亦兼具设计、舒适和品质的游艇终告诞生,而这艘游艇,其实亦是体现PERSHING对海洋和品味享受的独特见解。
1998年,Pershing成为游艇设计制造集团—法拉帝集团(Ferretti Group)的一员。
The world's top brand of FRP open-ended yachts is famous for its unique design / speed and noble appearance. The world's largest sports fishing yacht supplier enjoys the title of marine sports car. Now, Pershing, a subsidiary of Weichai holding group, was incorporated into Ferretti group in 1998, specializing in the production of high-performance open-ended yachts with a length of 15 to 35 meters. Although only 20 years old, performing inherits the fine tradition of European and Italian yachts. It is known for its unique design, speed and shape, which is "webuild exclusive, high-performance yachts that travel in Europe and in places for our client". In terms of origin, Pershing also originates from one's love for yacht craft and passion for marine culture. In 1981, four young men began to design and manufacture yachts with great enthusiasm and unique views on the yacht market. After three years of hard work and struggle, a yacht with design, comfort and quality came into being while pursuing speed. In fact, this yacht is also a reflection of Pershing's unique views on ocean and taste enjoyment. Pershing yacht is known as "sea sports car". Pershing's success stems from its simple concept and desire to create yachts, which brings customers a strong emotional experience. Just like Pershing's motto: "we build a unique high-performance yacht to convey our enthusiasm to customers. This is the mission of Pershing spirit. Since 1981, behind Pershing's adventurous experience, there has been a great passion for sailing. In 1998, Pershing became a member of the yacht design and manufacturing group, the Ferretti group.