Mueller家族始于瑞士,后来从瑞士移民至美国的威斯康辛州。创办者O.P. Mueller家族均为药剂师。1960年,Curt Mueller首先创立并传达运动医疗(Sports Medicine)和运动伤害防护员(Athletic Trainer)的概念, Curt除了继承自己父亲药剂师的职业外,本身也是一名运动爱好者,他既是一名职业篮球运动员,同时还是马术和棒球运动员,因热爱运动并且深受运动伤害之扰,他运用他的运动和药理学知识,研发出了各类型运动护具,启动运动防护领域革命性挑战,同时也将慕乐这个家族企业从一个单纯的药局推上了更高和更为广阔的平台。60年代,Mueller开始在全球销售运动医疗产品。80年代,Mueller首创“运动医疗(R)零售”概念,将专业运动医疗室提供的防护产品通过零售渠道带给一般消费者。从一般运动到专业运动范畴,Mueller一直在努力尝试各种挑战以寻求创新,致力于成为运动医学领域的先驱者。
Started in 1959 in the United States, it is a famous brand of professional sports protective equipment and pioneer in the field of sports medicine, providing sports care products for global professional or amateur sports people. Mule sports medical company was founded in 1959 in the United States. From a small pharmaceutical Bureau, mule has opened up its career. After the efforts and innovation of generations of mule people, mule has become a world-famous sports protection brand, known as "sports protection expert", providing sports care products for global professional or amateur sports people. The Mueller family started in Switzerland, and later immigrated from Switzerland to Wisconsin in the United States. The founders, O.P. Mueller family, were pharmacists. In 1960, curt Mueller first established and communicated the concepts of sports medicine and athletic trainer. Curt not only inherited the career of his father's pharmacist, but also was a sports enthusiast. He was not only a professional basketball player, but also a equestrian and baseball player. He loved sports and was deeply disturbed by sports injuries With his knowledge of sports and pharmacology, he has developed various types of sports protectors and launched revolutionary challenges in the field of sports protection. At the same time, he has pushed the family business of mule to a higher and broader platform from a simple pharmacy. In the 1960s, Mueller began to sell sports medical products around the world. In the 1980s, Mueller pioneered the concept of "sports medical (R) retail", bringing the protective products provided by professional sports medical rooms to general consumers through retail channels. From general sports to professional sports, Mueller has been trying various challenges to seek innovation and is committed to becoming a pioneer in sports medicine.