Therapedic品牌成立于1957年,在中国隶属于深圳斯丽比迪家居用品有限公司经营。是美国前8大床上用品品牌之一,由前世界大战战斗机飞行员Gerald Gershaw退役后成立,Therapedic是 “therapy”和“pedic” 两个字的组合,“therapy”象征了“治疗睡眠”的理念,“pedic”象征了床垫对人背部和身体的支撑和医疗效果,它在整个床具、床垫、床上用品行业都拥有特殊的地位。Therapedic一直坚定的保持生产优质床垫及睡眠相关产品,经过55年的专注投入和精心耕耘,经过不断的创新和技术,至今Therapedic在全球超过30多个国家生产睡眠产品,世界各地超过90家床垫生产工厂。
Therapedic除了在美国拥有庞大的床垫生产工厂网络,同时Therapedic的经销商遍布美国和世界各地,超过23个国家:美国、中国、加拿大、北美洲、中美洲、南美洲、加勒比海、欧洲、韩国、马来西亚、中东、非洲、新西兰、澳大利亚、爱尔兰等;2012年8月,Therapedic重返亚洲市场隆重登陆中国,优质睡眠,从斯丽比迪开始,选择我们,就选择了幸福的人生,THERAPEDIC斯丽比迪床垫秉承:健康、快乐幸福人生的价值观,人性化、高品质的发展道路,采用现代化管理模式,通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证。选用上乘材料制造,来满足高要求的尊贵阁下,盼能为您和您的家人带来“健康睡眠、快乐生活”“HEALTHY SLEEP, HAPPY LIFE”。
Therapedic brand was founded in 1957, which is under the management of Shenzhen sibidi household products Co., Ltd. It is one of the top 8 bedclothes brands in the United States. It was founded after the retirement of Gerald gershaw, a former world war fighter pilot. Therapedic is a combination of "therapy" and "Pedic." therapy "symbolizes the concept of" treating sleep. "Pedic" symbolizes the support and medical effect of mattress on human back and body. It is used in the whole bedding, mattress and bedding industry Have a special status. Therapedic has always been firmly committed to producing high-quality mattress and sleep related products. After 55 years of dedicated investment and careful cultivation, and continuous innovation and technology, therapedic has produced sleep products in more than 30 countries and more than 90 mattress manufacturers around the world. In addition to its huge mattress manufacturing network in the United States, therapedic's dealers are located in the United States and around the world, with more than 23 countries: the United States, China, Canada, North America, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Europe, South Korea, Malaysia, the Middle East, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, etc.; in August 2012, therapedic returned Asian market has landed in China ceremoniously, with high-quality sleep. From the beginning of sribeidi, we have chosen to live a happy life. Therapedic mattress adheres to the values of healthy, happy and happy life, human nature and high-quality development path, adopts modern management mode, and has passed ISO9001 international quality management system certification. It is made of superior materials to meet the high requirements of your honor. We hope to bring you and your family "healthy sleep, happy life" and "healthy sleep, happy life".