舒雅的诞生要追溯到1875年一个恬静悠远的德国小镇——Radolfzell。充满企业家精神,时年27岁的Jacques Schiesser在一个名叫“Schwert”小旅馆里租用舞厅创立他的第一个针织内衣工坊。至1880年已由最初的9台衣车发展到拥有280多名工人、具备多种制造能力的现代化工厂。在随后的20余年中,舒雅在Stockach、 Bucharest、Engen等地建立了分支机构,产品出口至远东地区。1901年巴黎世博会上,舒雅凭其创新的编制针织技术而荣获大奖。二十世纪之交之际,舒雅已发展为拥有1200余员工享誉世界的内衣行业翘楚。1916年,创始人Jacques Schiesser的侄儿Jean Schiesser将舒雅变为上市公司。其后舒雅坎坷浮沉历经两次世界大战、经济大萧条、金融风暴……时至今日,舒雅仍保持着市场地位,并伴随全球化浪潮在中国市场迅速成长。
Ten brands of men's underwear started in Germany in 1875. They provide professional services for many famous international brands and are large-scale clothing companies integrating production and sales. The birth of Shura dates back to a quiet German town, Radolfzell, in 1875. Full of entrepreneurship, Jacques Schiesser, then 27, rented a ballroom in a small hotel called "Schwert" to start his first knitted underwear workshop. By 1880, it had developed from the original 9 garment cars to a modern chemical plant with more than 280 workers and various manufacturing capabilities. In the following 20 years, Shuya established branches in stockach, Bucharest, engen and other places, and exported its products to the Far East. At the 1901 Paris World Expo, Shuya won the award for its innovative knitting technology. At the turn of the 20th century, Shuya has developed into a leading underwear industry with more than 1200 employees in the world. In 1916, Jean Schiesser, nephew of Jacques Schiesser, the founder, turned Shure into a public company. After that, Shuya experienced two world wars, great depression and financial storm Today, Shure still maintains its market position and grows rapidly in China with the tide of globalization.