2013年4月25日,Cissyma 品牌问世了。对于品牌创始人兼设计师马希(CissyMa)来说,这真是憧憬了很多年的心愿呢。感谢这些年经历过的一切,喧嚣以及平静,让内心对于「追求」的定义渐渐清晰,终于,有勇气让Cissyma 这个品牌代表 Cissy,出现在大家面前。
作为从2006,2007年便活跃于网络的穿搭红人,很多人说创立品牌是早该做的事,但Cissy本人并不想它单单只是水到渠成的衍生品。它应该独立,有着自己的生命力,它能够把心中描绘的东西变成现实—— 这种东西不是孤傲的,冷漠的,哗众取宠和拒人千里之外的。它们热情却不刻意讨好,雅俗共赏又不随波逐流。就像女孩子:和气,旖旎,看似无锋芒但内心坚守着独有的品味与执着。
On April 25, 2013, the cissyma brand came out. For Cissy Ma, the founder and designer of the brand, this has been a dream for many years. Thanks for all the noise and calmness over the years, the inner definition of "pursuit" is gradually clear. Finally, I have the courage to let cissyma, the brand representative of Cissy, appear in front of you. As a popular wearer who has been active in the Internet since 2006, many people say it's a long time ago to create a brand, but Cissy doesn't want it to be just a natural derivative. It should be independent and have its own vitality. It can turn what is depicted in the heart into reality - this kind of thing is not arrogant, indifferent, grandiose and resistant. They are enthusiastic but don't try to please. They are both refined and popular and don't go with the flow. Just like a girl: harmony, charming, seemingly without edge but with unique taste and persistence.