NOVATEX s.p.a,是意大利集设计、生产和销售于一体的专业面料生产商。迄今已有30多年的历史,占地面积达到25000SQM。公司一直专注于新产品的开发研制,并拥有自己的品牌LEOPOLDO GIULIANI和NOVATEX。公司以不断地推陈出新和超出同行业水平的高品质面料。产品更是远销世界各地。
为更好的满足各国客户的要求,NOVATEX s.p.a在中国投资成立诺华(杭州)纺织有限公司。诺华(杭州)纺织有限公司以原汁原味的意大利设计为先导,严格按照意大利总厂的生产工艺及技术指标进行中国制造。
Novatex S.p.A is a professional fabric manufacturer integrating design, production and sales in Italy. It has a history of more than 30 years and covers an area of 25000sqm. The company has been focusing on the development of new products, and has its own brand leopoldogiuliani and novatex. Company to constantly bring forth new and beyond the industry level of high-quality fabrics. The products are sold all over the world. In order to better meet the requirements of customers from all over the world, novatex. P.A invested and established novatex (Hangzhou) Textile Co., Ltd. in China. Novartis (Hangzhou) Textile Co., Ltd. takes the original Italian design as the guide, and makes in China in strict accordance with the production process and technical indicators of the Italian general factory.