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灿烂的中华文明孕育了博大精深的中药文化,已有两千六百年历史的古老阿胶蕴涵了医药文化的精髓,是中国传统中药文化的一部分。1950年,党和政府为弘扬中国传统医药文化,继承正宗阿胶的传统精髓,强化民族品牌影响力,国家投资把“邓氏树德堂”、 “涂氏怀德堂”等东阿镇阿胶老作坊集为一体,在东阿镇成立了山东省平阴县东阿镇阿胶加工厂(山东福胶集团前身)。


目前,中药现代化已经成为中医药企业的战略发展方向,山东福胶集团坚持“以传统中医药理论为基础,以消费者需求为导向,运用现代科技进行中医药现代化”的指导原则,开拓出了一条适合中药产业持久健康发展的现代化之路。 六十年来,福胶集团集中研发力量,强力推出了采用大型蒸球加压化皮、炼胶的先进蒸汽熬胶工艺,干净卫生、高效节能,彻底打破了以往用敞口大锅,桑柴熬胶的落后局面,推进了阿胶的发展历程,既提高了阿胶生产效率,又保持了阿胶正宗地道的特色。 福胶集团作为新中国成立后阿胶行业建立较早的专业生产厂,建立了工艺独特的阿胶现代化常年生产流水线,组建了先进的恒温、恒湿,温湿控制精准的现代化标准生产车间,结束了2000多年来阿胶只能在冬季生产的落后局面,实现了传统工艺与现代科技的完美融合。

集团以享受国务院特殊津贴的阿胶专家为首的研发队伍,集中优势,不但研发了纯阿胶制剂、复方阿胶制剂还开发了阿胶食品系列,形成了包括五大剂型、50多个品种的庞大产品体系,荣获了十几项国家专利,充分展现了福胶在阿胶行业的多品种优势。 其中,参茸阿胶采用东阿镇邓氏怀德堂贡胶组方,含人参、鹿茸和阿胶中药三宝,配伍二十多种名贵中药材,经现代领先科技精制而成,被列为国家中药保护品种,是阿胶中的高档滋补产品;膏剂产品,如山东阿胶膏、阿胶三宝膏等,浓度高、效果好,在充分挖掘东阿镇阿胶古方的基础上,经过数十道传统工艺,结合现代生物科技精制而成;口服液剂型,如阿胶补血口服液、山东阿胶浆等,服用方便,口感好,易于吸收;颗粒冲剂,如速溶阿胶颗粒,服用方式多样;胶囊剂型,如阿胶胶囊,剂量准确,吸收迅速,适应了现代临床需求。 鉴于阿胶药食两用的特点,福胶还顺利实现了产品线向食品领域的拓展,成功研发出了阿胶食品保健品系列,如:即食阿胶、阿胶月饼、阿胶酒、阿胶奶茶、福姜茶等,在继承传统中医理论的基础上,成功实现了阿胶产品剂型的开拓创新,开创了中药现代化的新型道路,彰显了业内领跑者的大将风范。

未来阿胶的开拓者续写两千年福胶文化一个成功的企业离不开文化的支撑,文化力是企业核心竞争力的源泉。它反映了一种致力于物质生产的精神气质,一种企业经营哲学和自我超越的生活态度,福胶集团正因深谙此道,致力于福胶的企业文化建设。实施文化战略。在六十年的发展历程中,福胶已经生成独具特色的文化体系:从观念到战略、从人才到技术、从市场到合作,福胶精神不仅成就了企业的发展,也有力弘扬了中国传统中医药文化。目前,集团将建立独家狼溪河生态公园、阿胶一条街、狮耳山驴养殖基地,建成原产地阿胶自然博物馆,形成辐射济南、平阴、东阿镇三地的系列化、规模化大型旅游工厂,为续写两千年阿胶文化的辉煌与传奇铺陈待续。 实施大市场竞争战略。“从一个市场做起,做起无数个市场,从一个产品做起,做起无数个产品”,福胶以做起全球市场为目标,采用国际先进的经营理念和管理标准,实施以阿胶为主导、以OTC和食品为增长线、以药品为辅助线的三线经营战略,以“将客户风险降为零,把客户利益最大化”为原则,实现全方位、全球化的团队与个体的先进战略合作模式,形成一个品牌下的整体合力,加快中国医药现代化的发展步伐,实现“福胶航母”的伟大构想。 实施名牌战略。以做第一阿胶品牌为目标,打造全球一流阿胶企业,坚持“零缺陷”的产品质控制度,将“福牌阿胶,质量永恒”的观念深入人心。建立CI系统,以形象促品牌:从理念、行为、视觉全方位、系统化塑造福胶阿胶航母的全新形象。 后记:与时俱进 缔造全民健康 早在两千多年前,中医就有了“不治已病,治未病”的先进理念。随着社会发展,现代人们的疾病构成也有所变化。体力劳动减少,身体外伤概率大大降低;不断加快的生活、工作节奏导致人们自我锻炼的机会也大大减少,与日俱增的是各种亚健康病症以及因免疫力或气血不足所引起的各类综合性疾病。可以预见,对重大疾病的预防,以及对亚健康和未病领域的探索调整,将成为中药产业发展的趋势,传统中医理论也将在这一领域发挥更大的效用。

At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, the rubber industry of dong'a town reached a brilliant and prosperous period. In the rubber industry of dong'a Town, Deng Shude Tang was a workshop with large scale and good quality. During Xianfeng's reign, the imperial concubine Yi (later Empress Dowager Cixi) suffered from blood disease, which was invalid after long treatment. When the housekeeper of dong'a knew that the princess was ill, he recommended the donkey hide gelatin produced by "Deng Shude hall" in dong'a city. When Empress Dowager Cixi took it, she recovered and was happy with the Dragon son, later Tongzhi emperor. Emperor Dayue of Xianfeng gave three gifts to the leader of the "Deng Shude hall": one was the Yellow mandarin jacket with four official clothes, the other was the handfold (collected by the fortune Rubber Group), the third was the word "Fu" given to the Ejiao in dong'a Town, and the Ejiao of the Shude hall was named "Gongjiao". Yuci's word "Fu" has always been regarded as the pride of the rubber makers in dong'a town. It is the classic logo of the authentic donkey hide gelatin and has been used by the group until now. Yu Li, a famous editor, made a clear statement on the event that Fu brand donkey hide gelatin won the Panama gold medal in his book "looking back on history - the story of China's participation in the World Expo 1851-2008" on page 145: "Fu brand donkey hide gelatin is still full of vitality after a hundred years with its preferred raw materials and excellent production technology. He won the gold medal at the 1915 Panama world expo The splendid Chinese civilization breeds the extensive and profound traditional Chinese medicine culture. The ancient donkey hide gelatin, which has a history of two thousand and six hundred years, contains the essence of medicine culture and is a part of traditional Chinese medicine culture. In 1950, in order to carry forward the traditional Chinese medicine culture, inherit the traditional essence of the authentic donkey hide gelatin, and strengthen the influence of national brands, the state invested to integrate the old workshops of donkey hide gelatin in dong'a Town, such as "Deng Shude Tang" and "Tu Huaide Tang", and established the donkey hide gelatin processing factory in dong'a Town, Pingyin County, Shandong Province (the predecessor of Shandong Fujiao group). Shandong Fujiao group inherits the glue making technology handed down from generation to generation in the Ejiao workshop in dong'a Town, and together inherits the "handfold" of "Deng's Shude hall" and the "Fu" character mark given by Emperor Xianfeng. At the end of 1970s, the word "Fu" was registered by the State Administration for Industry and commerce, and officially became the exclusive trademark of Shandong Fujiao group. After 60 years of unremitting exploration and development, the strength of Fujiao group has gradually increased. The group's existing assets have reached 500 million yuan, with more than 1500 employees and a production capacity of more than 1 billion yuan. At present, the group has four production bases for three industries, including medicine, health products, food, machine tools and real estate development. With more than ten subsidiaries, the company has expanded its industrial scale and formed a diversified development pattern with Ejiao as its main business. Today, Fujiao group is a large modern enterprise with scientific management system, strong production strength, extensive corporate culture and perfect guarantee mechanism. At present, the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine has become the strategic development direction of traditional Chinese medicine enterprises. Shandong Fujiao group adheres to the guiding principle of "based on traditional Chinese medicine theory, guided by consumer demand, and using modern science and technology to modernize traditional Chinese medicine", and opens up a modernization road suitable for the sustainable and healthy development of traditional Chinese medicine industry. Over the past 60 years, Fujiao group has concentrated its R & D efforts and vigorously launched the advanced steam boiling process of using large-scale steam ball pressurized skin and rubber, which is clean, sanitary, efficient and energy-saving. It has completely broken the backward situation of using open pot and sangchai to boil rubber, promoted the development process of donkey hide gelatin, not only improved the production efficiency of donkey hide gelatin, but also maintained the authentic characteristics of donkey hide gelatin. As an early professional production plant in the donkey hide gelatin industry after the founding of the people's Republic of China, Fujiao group has established a modern and perennial production line with unique technology and an advanced standard production workshop with constant temperature, constant humidity and precise temperature and humidity control. It has ended the backwardness that donkey hide gelatin can only produce in winter for more than 2000 years and achieved the perfect integration of traditional technology and modern technology 。 With the R & D team led by Ejiao experts enjoying the special allowance of the State Council, the group has concentrated its advantages, not only developing pure Ejiao preparation, compound Ejiao preparation, but also developing Ejiao food series, forming a huge product system including five dosage forms and more than 50 varieties, winning more than ten national patents, fully demonstrating the multi variety advantages of Fujiao in Ejiao industry. Among them, ginseng antler and donkey hide gelatin are made of Tang Gong glue of Deng's family in dong'a Town, which contains ginseng, antler and three treasures of donkey hide gelatin. It is made of more than 20 kinds of precious Chinese medicinal materials and refined by modern leading technology. It is listed as a national traditional Chinese medicine protection variety, and it is a top-grade tonic product in donkey hide gelatin. Ointment products, such as Shandong donkey hide gelatin paste and donkey hide gelatin three treasures paste, are of high concentration and good effect. They are fully exploited On the basis of the ancient prescription of donkey hide gelatin in dong'a Town, it is refined through dozens of traditional processes and modern biotechnology; the dosage forms of oral liquid, such as donkey hide gelatin blood tonic oral liquid and Shandong donkey hide gelatin slurry, are convenient to take, good in taste and easy to absorb; granule granules, such as instant donkey hide gelatin granules, are used in various ways; capsule dosage forms, such as donkey hide gelatin capsules, are accurate in dosage and rapidly absorbed, and adapt to the present situation For clinical needs. In view of the dual-use characteristics of donkey hide gelatin, it has also successfully expanded its product line to the food field, and successfully developed a series of donkey hide gelatin food health products, such as instant donkey hide gelatin, donkey hide gelatin moon cake, donkey hide gelatin wine, donkey hide gelatin milk tea, ginger tea, etc. on the basis of inheriting the traditional Chinese medicine theory, it has successfully realized the development and innovation of the dosage form of donkey hide gelatin products, and created a new type of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine The road shows the style of the industry leader. In the future, the pioneers of Ejiao will continue to write two thousand years of Fujiao culture. A successful enterprise cannot do without the support of culture, and the cultural force is the source of the core competitiveness of the enterprise. It reflects a kind of spirit and temperament committed to material production, a business philosophy and a life attitude of self transcendence. Fujiao group is committed to the construction of Fujiao's corporate culture because it knows this well. Implement cultural strategy. In the 60 years of development, Fujiao has formed a unique cultural system: from concept to strategy, from talent to technology, from market to cooperation. The spirit of Fujiao has not only achieved the development of enterprises, but also vigorously promoted the traditional Chinese medicine culture. At present, the group will establish an exclusive Langxi river ecological park, Ejiao street, lion's ear mountain donkey breeding base, build the Ejiao Natural Museum of origin, and form a series of large-scale tourism factories radiating Jinan, Pingyin and dong'a Town, which will continue to write the glory and legend of Ejiao culture for two thousand years. Implement the strategy of big market competition. "Starting from one market, starting from countless markets, starting from one product, starting from countless products". With the goal of starting the global market, Fujiao adopts the international advanced business philosophy and management standards, implements the three-line business strategy of taking donkey hide gelatin as the leading role, OTC and food as the growth line, and pharmaceutical as the auxiliary line, so as to "reduce customer risk to zero and maximize customer benefits" Based on the principle of "transformation", realize the advanced strategic cooperation mode of all-round and global teams and individuals, form the overall joint force under one brand, accelerate the development pace of China's pharmaceutical modernization, and realize the great idea of "Fujiao aircraft carrier". Implement famous brand strategy. With the goal of being the first brand of donkey hide gelatin, we will build a world-class enterprise of donkey hide gelatin, adhere to the "zero defect" product quality control system, and take the concept of "Fu brand donkey hide gelatin, eternal quality" into people's hearts. Establish CI system to promote brand by image: create a new image of fka-a aircraft carrier in an all-round and systematic way from concept, behavior and vision. Postscript: as early as 2000 years ago, Chinese medicine had the advanced concept of "no cure, no cure". With the development of society, the composition of modern people's diseases has also changed. With the decrease of physical labor, the probability of physical injury is greatly reduced; the increasing pace of life and work leads to the decrease of people's chance of self exercise, which is increasingly caused by various sub-health diseases and various comprehensive diseases caused by insufficient immunity or qi and blood. It can be predicted that the prevention of major diseases, as well as the exploration and adjustment of sub-health and disease free areas, will become the development trend of traditional Chinese medicine industry, and traditional Chinese medicine theory will also play a greater role in this field.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/8b39c278a.html





