科颜氏 (Kiehls) 1851年创立于纽约曼哈顿,早期科颜氏 (Kiehls) 以典型的19世纪药剂师的身份,提供纽约客药水及自然成分提炼的药膏。科颜氏 (Kiehls) 老店座落在纽约第13街及第3大道的交叉口,以贩卖草药、精油、处方药、茶及蜂蜜为主。科颜氏 (Kiehls) 揉和了美容、药草、药学及医学等专业领域的知识背景,逐渐建立了其独特的形象,进而发展成多方位的药局,并推出以科颜氏 (Kiehls) 命名的保养品;到了1960年代早期,科颜氏 (Kiehls) 的药剂师们有着丰富的经验和专业知识,开始根据顾客需求研发出不同系列且男女皆适用的保养品;150多年来,科颜氏 (Kiehls) 仍努力不懈地提供顾客专业的咨询服务,以及从脸部、身体、秀发甚至是运动后专用的保养产品。
2000年,科颜氏 (Kiehls) 正式加入欧莱雅集团(L’Oreal);2009年6月,科颜氏 (Kiehls) 正式踏入中国内地开设专柜,并正式取中文名为科颜氏 (此前一直被称为“契尔氏”) 。
科颜氏 (Kiehls) 畅销多年的护唇膏(Lip Balm#1),小黄瓜植物精华化妆水(Cucumber Herbal Alcohol-Free Toner),特级保湿乳液(Ultra Facial Moisturizer)和经典润肤乳(Creme de Corps),都是大家爱不释手的商品;许多好莱坞明星都是科颜氏 (Kiehls) 保养品的忠诚爱用者。
Founded in 1851, Manhattan professional plant natural skin care brand, lip balm / cucumber plant essence lotion / emulsion / moisturizer and other skin care products were sold to international Kiehls. In 1851, New York was founded in Manhattan, New York. In the early stage, the company provided New York ointment and natural ingredients ointment in the capacity of a typical nineteenth Century pharmacist. Located at the intersection of 13th Street and 3rd Avenue in New York City, Kiehls stores mainly sell herbs, essential oils, prescription drugs, tea and honey. By the early 1960s, the pharmacists of Kiehls had rich experience and professional knowledge, and began to develop different products according to the needs of customers For more than 150 years, Kiehls has been striving to provide customers with professional consulting services, as well as special care products for face, body, hair and even after sports. In 2000, Kiehls officially joined L'Oreal Group; in June 2009, Kiehls officially set foot in the mainland of China to open a counter, and officially took the Chinese name of Kiehls (previously known as "chehl"). Kiehls sells well for many years, including Lip Balm (LipBalm#1), cucumber plant essence, CucumberHerbalAlcohol-FreeToner, special moisturizing lotion (UltraFacialMoisturizer) and classic moisturizer (CremedeCorps), which are all products that you can't help. Many Hollywood stars are loyal and loving users of Kiehls's. After Kiehls became a member of Loreal group in 2001, the exhibition speed increased rapidly. So far, 15 countries in the world can buy Kiehls products.