上海研亚软件信息技术有限公司(PAPAGO Co.,Ltd.),由台湾研勤科技股份有限公司 (PAPAGO, Inc) 投资设立。 自2001年以来,PAPAGO!一直专注于行车安全产品的研发。目前在中国大陆、日本及美国都设有分公司。 2011年研勤科技股份有限公司正式成为台湾证券柜台买卖中心挂牌之上柜公司(Listing company),股票代号3632。
研亚软件旗下品牌PAPAGO!目前在全球有极高市场占有率及品牌知名度。研亚软件的研发团队也不断创新求变, 从导航技术延伸至跨区域、跨平台,推出动态真实3D地标(Animation 3D Landmark)、真实道路高度(Elevated road)、 真实地型图(Terrain elevation)、3D实景图(3D city maps)等引擎技术。
PAPAGO!专注于产品的创新设计与体验,细腻的做工更是公司的保障。无论是镜头的选择、机内组件, 还是结构的组装与外层的耐热涂料,公司都经过反复的挑选及测试,坚持呈现给您较好的做工与质量。
【Lead your trip, guard your way】研亚软件PAPAGO!多年来,努力的为每位路上的驾驶者, 计划出舒适,安全的旅程;秉持着行车安全,服务至上的理念,期许公司能带给每位用户安心的产品体验。 为每一位驾驶者提供一个更安全,更舒适的旅程。
PAPAGO! 拥有优秀的研发团队,专注于追求更人性化的安全守护,创造出多项专利技术,不断进步突破。
Originated in Taiwan in 2001, it is a famous brand in the field of driving safety, a technology-based enterprise integrating the development of driving recorder / navigation software / map integration / lbs services. In 2008, it entered the mainland market of China, Shanghai Yanya Software Information Technology Co., Ltd. (papagoco., Ltd.), which was invested and established by Taiwan Yanqin Technology Co., Ltd. (Papago, Inc.). Since 2001, Papago! Has been focusing on the research and development of driving safety products. At present, it has branches in mainland China, Japan and the United States. In 2011, Yanqin Technology Co., Ltd. officially became the listing company listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, stock code 3632. At present, the brand Papago! Of Yanya software has a very high market share and brand awareness in the world. The R & D team of R & D software of R & D software is also constantly innovating and changing, extending from navigation technology to cross region and cross platform, and launching dynamic 3D landmark, raised Road, terrain elevation, 3D city maps and other engine technologies. Innovative design and exquisite workmanship Papago! Focuses on the innovative design and experience of products, and exquisite workmanship is the guarantee of the company. Whether it's lens selection, internal components, structural assembly and external heat-resistant coating, the company has been repeatedly selected and tested, insisting on presenting you with better workmanship and quality. The company insists on providing users with high-quality product experience [leadourtrip, guardyourway] Research sub software Papago! Over the years, it has made great efforts to plan a comfortable and safe journey for every driver on the road; it adheres to the concept of driving safety and service first, and expects the company to bring every user a safe product experience. For every driver to provide a safer, more comfortable journey. With an excellent R & D team, we focus on the pursuit of more humanized security guard, create a number of patent technologies, and make continuous progress and breakthroughs.