





加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校是美国享负盛名的一所公立研究型大学,位于旧金山东湾伯克利市的山丘上。1868年由加利福尼亚学院以及农业、矿业和机械学院合并而成,1873年迁至圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山)附近的伯克利市。伯克利加大是加利福尼亚大学中较老的一所。它也是美国大学协会(Association of American Universities)创始会员之一。其吉祥物蜕变自加州徽号,故其学生亦常自称“金色小熊”。

较早伯克利加大这片土地是1866年由私立的加利福尼亚学院(College of California)所买下,但由于当年资金短缺,学院被州立的农业、矿业和机械学院合并,并在1868年3月23日成立了加利福尼亚大学。学校于1869年9月开始招生,1870年起由Henry Durant任校长。1873年,当North Hall和South Hall完工后,学校正式迁入位于伯克利市的新址。学生共有167名男性和222名女性学生组成。从1891年开始,加州富翁Phoebe Apperson Hearst女士不断地向伯克利进行捐赠,这使学校能够大量发展新的课程和添置新的教学设施。1905年,学校在萨克拉门托附近设立“学校农场” “University Farm ,之后从伯克利独立,成为加州大学一所分校─加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校。学校主要的一些建筑,如California Memorial Stadium美式足球场都是由John Galen Howard设计的。

20世纪中期是伯克利加大在物理学、化学和生物学的黄金时代。借由物理学家恩尼斯特·劳伦斯(Ernest O. Lawrence)发明的回旋加速器,在这间学校的研究学者发现了许多重于铀的元素。锫(Berkelium)和锎(Californium)即以这所大学的名字来命名的,而铹(Lawrencium)和钅喜(Seaborgium)则是以此校的劳伦斯和葛兰·希柏格(Glenn T. Seaborg)的名字来命名的。

二次大战时期,伯克利加大的劳伦斯放射实验室(Lawrences Radiation Laboratory)承包了美国军方的原子弹研发计划。1942年,罗伯特·奥本海默 (Robert Oppenheimer)教授被任命领导曼哈顿计划的科学部门。

从1952年开始,加州大学 (University of California) 成为一个独立的个体从伯克利校园内分离。加州大学现今是领导所有加州大学10个校区的管理机构,并不开设课程或招收学生。自此,每个加州大学的校区都设独自的分校校长 (Chancellor)。Robert Gordon Sproul成为加州大学总校长, Clark Kerr 成为伯克利加州大学校长。

1964年在加大伯克利发起的言论自由运动(Free Speech Movement)改变了一世代人对政治和道德的看法。

此外,伯克利是美国加利福利亚州美丽如画的海湾地区(Bay Area)的一座城市,在美国城市旧金山旁边(San Francisco,三藩),因为拥有伯克利加州大学(附近另一所与伯克利不相上下的学府是斯坦福大学)——而闻名于世。所以一般人们谈及伯克利,即指伯克利加州大学。

Since 1868, the famous public research university, the intellectual development base in the western development of the United States, together with Stanford University / Caltech, has supported the academic backbone of the Western University of California, Berkeley, which is compared with the ivy university in the east of the United States. It is a famous public research University in the United States, located on the hills of Berkeley in the old Golden Bay of Shandong. It was formed in 1868 by the merger of California College and the school of agriculture, mining and machinery, and moved to Berkeley near San Francisco in 1873. Berkeley University is the older University of California. It is also a founding member of the association of American universities. Its mascot has been transformed from the California emblem, so its students often call themselves "Golden Bear". The land of Berkeley was purchased by the private college of California in 1866, but due to the shortage of funds in that year, the college was merged by the State School of agriculture, mining and machinery, and the University of California was founded on March 23, 1868. The school began to recruit students in September 1869 and Henry Durant was its president since 1870. In 1873, when northhall and southhall were completed, the school officially moved to its new location in Berkeley. There are 167 male and 222 female students. Since 1891, Ms. Phoebe Apperson Hearst, a wealthy Californian, has been donating to Berkeley, enabling the school to develop new courses and add new teaching facilities. In 1905, the University set up "school farm" and "University Farm" near Sacramento, and then became a branch of the University of California, University of California Davis, independent from Berkeley. Some of the school's main buildings, such as the California Memorial Stadium, are designed by John Galen Howard. The mid-20th century was the golden age of Berkeley's expansion in physics, chemistry and biology. With the help of the cyclotron invented by physicist Ernest O. Lawrence, researchers at this school have found many elements heavier than uranium. Berkelium and californium are named after the University, while lawrencium and seaborgium are named after Lawrence and Glenn t. Seaborg. During the Second World War, the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley contracted the US military's atomic bomb development program. In 1942, Professor Robert Oppenheimer was appointed to lead the science department of the Manhattan Project. Since 1952, the University of California has been separated from the Berkeley campus as an independent individual. The University of California is now the governing body that leads all 10 campuses of the University of California and does not offer courses or enroll students. Since then, each UCLA campus has its own chancellor. Robert Gordon sprout became president of the University of California, and Clark Kerr became president of the University of California, Berkeley. The free speech movement, launched in 1964 in greater Berkeley, changed generations' views on politics and morality. In addition, Berkeley is a city in the beautiful bay area of California, next to San Francisco, which is famous for its University of California, the University of Stanford. So when people talk about Berkeley, they mean the University of California, Berkeley.

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