安芙拉芳烃公司的创始人克里斯蒂娜和彼得卡罗尔走遍了世界,花时间在喜马拉雅山区的小镇上研究本土传统医学系统和相关哲学。在他们回来的时候,他们成立了Amphora Aromatics--从他们通过欧洲,土耳其,伊朗,巴基斯坦和阿富汗到印度的陆路旅行获得灵感。
1984年在布里斯托尔开设了一家小商店的背后,Amphora Aromatics Ltd现在是英国较大的精油和香薰产品供应商之一。
提供特定的美容或健康解决方案,Amphora Aromatics广泛的精油,面霜,凝胶,香脂和身体护理产品是多年寻找独立生产商从全球采购优质原料的经验的结果。
除了在英国建立的批发和邮购业务外,Amphora Aromatics公司还在布里斯托尔的制造基地向全球92个国家出口。
Christina and Peter Carroll, founder of Avra aromatics, traveled around the world, spending time in small towns in the Himalayas studying indigenous traditional medical systems and related philosophies. When they came back, they founded amphora aromatics - inspired by their land trips to India through Europe, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Behind the opening of a small store in Bristol in 1984, amphora aromatics Ltd is now one of the largest suppliers of essential oils and aromatherapy products in the UK. The company's philosophy is to combine traditional recipes with exotic herbs and essential oils to create high-quality products at a very competitive price. Offering specific beauty or health solutions, AmphoraAromatics's extensive essential oils, creams, gels, balsam and body care products are the result of years of searching for independent manufacturers' experience in sourcing high quality raw materials from the world. In addition to the wholesale and mail order businesses established in the UK, amphora analytics also exports its manufacturing base in Bristol to 92 countries around the world.