欧束在经历长达三年的对化妆品行业的深入调研积累后,以科技创新为核心理念,通过凝聚一批国内外顶尖学府中优秀的管理人才与行业精端的研发团队,严格按照国际化标准生产,从原料的选择,萃取,灌装,生产每一个细节经过严格的把控,生产的每一款产品均配有安全监测标志和源头审查机制并获得了国际GMPC生产认证。 欧束公司秉持多元、乐观、创新、冒险的企业精神,从科研力量、生产实力、品牌精髓、渠道布局等各个方面全面提升,致力为中国新菁英女性量身打造时尚高效护肤品,释放中国美。
欧束执着于对美的追求,历经不断的探索、创新、完善,将传统的自然萃取技艺与欧束先进的科技研发力量相结合,创造出了源于自然的肌肤科学,开启护肤与彩妆的新传奇。欧束以帮助更多女性对自我独特风格与魅力的积极认可,并努力探索人生中更多的可能性,遇见更美好的自己为品牌理念;以树立中国名族品牌为核心,为中国女性提供彩妆产品和美丽方案为品牌愿景;以秉承匠人之心为品牌价值观,将传统的自然萃取工艺与先进的科技研发力量相结合,研发出适合中国女性肤质的护肤品,让亚洲女性尽显东方之美。 绽放你自己!欧束品牌旗下护肤品系列,以“中国品牌打造、新菁英、绽放美”为品牌精髓定位,通过品牌传播,旨在每一位欧束信赖者、消费者以自信,光彩的人生态度立足于社会存在,释放真我,从生活品质的追求进而到工作理念,都能尽情绽放自我原本独特的风格与魅力,随时随地成为万众瞩目的女王!
After three years of in-depth research and accumulation in the cosmetics industry, eurobeam, with scientific and technological innovation as the core concept, through gathering a group of excellent management talents from a number of top universities at home and abroad and the research and development team of the industry's elite end, produces products in strict accordance with international standards, from the selection of raw materials, extraction, filling, production of every detail through strict control All of them are equipped with safety monitoring signs and source review mechanism and have obtained international GMPC production certification. Adhering to the enterprise spirit of diversity, optimism, innovation and adventure, oushu company has comprehensively improved its scientific research strength, production strength, brand essence, channel layout and other aspects, and is committed to creating fashionable and efficient skin care products for Chinese new elite women and releasing Chinese beauty. After continuous exploration, innovation and improvement, oubeam is dedicated to the pursuit of beauty. It combines the traditional natural extraction technology with oubeam's advanced scientific and technological research and development power to create a natural skin science and open a new legend of skin care and make-up. In order to help more women to actively recognize their unique style and charm, and strive to explore more possibilities in life, meet a better self as the brand concept; to establish a Chinese famous brand as the core, to provide Chinese women with cosmetics products and beauty programs as the brand vision; Based on the brand values of craftsman, combining traditional natural extraction technology with advanced scientific and technological research and development force, we have developed skin care products suitable for Chinese women's skin, making Asian women show the beauty of the East. Let your own skin care products bloom! With the essence of "Chinese brand building, new elites and beauty blooming" as the brand positioning, through brand communication, the aim is for every truster and consumer of eurobeam to be confident and glorious in their life attitude based on social existence and release their true self. From the pursuit of quality of life to work philosophy, they can fully bloom their original unique Style and charm, become the queen of attention anytime and anywhere!
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/a3e83ccc3.html