米勒酿酒公司( Miller Brewing Company )由弗雷德里克·米勒( Frederick Miller )于1855年成立。1969年,烟草业菲利普·莫里斯公司(Phillip Morris,拥有“万宝路”、“卡夫”等知名品牌)。受到日益高涨的“反对吸烟”运动的威胁,为了分散经营风险,决定进入啤酒行业,PM在收购米勒啤酒公司之后,派出了烟草营销的一流好手到米勒公司,在营销战略上做了根本性的调整,决心创造啤酒中的“万宝路”。2002年5月30日南非酿酒公司(SAB)与美国菲利普·莫里斯公司达成一项协议,出资56亿美元收购菲利普·莫里斯旗下的米勒酿酒公司(Miller Brewing)。
Miller brewing company was founded in 1855 by Frederick Miller. In 1969, Philip Morris of tobacco industry (with famous brands such as "Marlboro" and "Kraft"). Under the threat of the growing "Anti Smoking" campaign, PM decided to enter the beer industry in order to disperse the business risks. After purchasing Miller beer company, PM sent the first-class tobacco marketing experts to Miller Company, made fundamental adjustment in marketing strategy, and determined to create the "Marlboro" in beer. On May 30, 2002, SAB entered into an agreement with Philip Morris of the United States to purchase the Miller brewing company of Philip Morris with us $5.6 billion.