谷歌地图Google Maps品牌怎么样
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Google地图(英语:Google Maps),前称Google Local,是Google公司向全球提供的电子地图服务,包括局部详细的卫星照片。能提供三种视图:一是矢量地图(传统地图),可提供政区和交通以及商业信息;二是不同分辨率的卫星照片(俯视图或45°图像,跟Google地球上的卫星照片基本一样);三是地形图,可以用以显示地形和等高线。
Google maps, formerly known as Google local, is an electronic map service provided by Google to the world, including partial and detailed satellite photos. It can provide three views: one is vector map (traditional map), which can provide administrative area, traffic and commercial information; the other is satellite photos with different resolutions (top view or 45 ° image, basically the same as the satellite photos on Google Earth); the third is topographic map, which can be used to display terrain and contour lines.