公司自主创立了KISSCAT、ZSAZSAZSU、tigrisso、KissKitty 等品牌,并代理西班牙品牌Patricia,通过构建不同消费细分、不同风格的多品牌组合,满足女性不同生活阅历和价值取向的妆扮需求。
Guangzhou Tianchuang Fashion Shoes Co., Ltd. is one of the outstanding multi brand operators in the fashion women's shoes industry. Since its establishment, it has focused on providing fashionable and comfortable shoes products and services for women consumers. The company adopts the operation mode of vertical integration of multiple brands and the whole industrial chain, and its business includes demand research, brand planning, commodity planning, design and development, production and supply, marketing and promotion, distribution and retail, customer service, etc. The company has independently created kisscat, zsazsazsu, tigrisso, kisskitty and other brands, and acts as the agent of Patricia, a Spanish brand. By building a multi brand combination with different consumption segments and styles, the company can meet the dressing needs of women with different life experiences and value orientations. In terms of marketing network, the company adopts the sales mode of "self operation + distribution", focusing on the layout of domestic central cities and areas. As of 2013, the company has distributed nearly 2000 marketing outlets nationwide.