yeh! 是Young、Exciting以及Healthy的首字缩写,从命名上即可看出这个品牌倡导的健康与活力。2008年,yeh! 冰冻优格诞生于“北美时尚之都”——加拿大蒙特利尔。如今,它的版图已迅速扩张至魁北克、安大略、纽约州、马萨诸塞州等世界各地,迅速成为了全球年轻人钟爱的时尚甜品与社交聚集地。
yeh! 品牌崇尚着“年轻、乐观、健康”的生活态度,不断尝试给自己的朋友们带来“快乐的惊喜”。2015年yeh! 旗下的“Frozen Yogurt &Café”体验店秀于中国,品牌中文名“耶优”。
Yeh! Is the acronym of young, exception and healthy. From the name, you can see the health and vitality advocated by the brand. In 2008, yeh! Frozen yogurt was born in Montreal, Canada, the "fashion capital of North America". Today, its territory has rapidly expanded to Quebec, Ontario, New York, Massachusetts and other parts of the world, and it has rapidly become a popular fashion dessert and social gathering place for young people around the world. Yeh! Brand advocates the life attitude of "young, optimistic and healthy", and constantly tries to bring "happy surprises" to their friends. In 2015, the "frozen yogurt & Caf é" experience store of Yeh! Was shown in China, with the brand name of "Yeyou" in Chinese.