

FOSSFLAKES是哪个国家的品牌?「FOSSFLAKES」是 上海廷亦商贸有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于丹麦,由创始人沈驰涵在1991期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。FOSSFLAKES目前在母婴用品行业中的票数为:250



FOSSFLAKES 被誉为“纤维界的奢侈品”,所有产品由丹麦皇室寝具打样师亲手打造,其中平衡有机棉系列被丹麦女王使用至今。创始人Lars.E.Foss 发明了这种真正可以水洗并且抗过敏的世界级认证填充,和羽绒一样轻暖却能避免羽绒的一切缺点,并且认为每个家庭都需要可以机洗的寝具。每一件产品坚持在童话王国丹麦制造,并通过欧洲纺织品Oek-Tex 100 婴儿级认证。

早在20世纪初FOSSFLAKES就登上了丹麦,瑞典,芬兰和荷兰的“永不断货”榜单。2012年,日本著名全球名流戴维太太秀,10分钟销售了5000只FOSSFLAKES枕头。2000年起,FOSSFLAKES成为全球五星级酒店的合作伙伴,包括米高梅,希尔顿,凯悦等。2007下半年在丹麦销售, 紧接着瑞典和芬兰的275家店上市。2011年,FOSSFLAKES优质枕头先后被引入JYSK加拿大, JYSK冰岛,以及JYSK中国。FOSSFLAKES在新加坡有25个销售点,在新加坡高岛屋,罗宾逊,METRO等百货公司。在香港SOGO崇光百货,永安中心等百货公司有售。2014年,FOSSFLAKES进入中国市场,全球销售扩展到14个国家。

Fossfikes is known as the "luxury of fiber industry". All products are personally made by Danish Royal bedding proofer. Among them, the balanced organic cotton series has been used by the queen of Denmark up to now. Founder Lars. E. FOSS invented the world-class certified filling that can be washed and anti allergic. It is as light and warm as down, but it can avoid all the disadvantages of down, and thinks that every family needs machine washable bedding. Each product is made in Denmark, the kingdom of fairy tales, and has passed the European textile oek tex100 baby certification. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, FOSS flakes was listed as "never out of stock" in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands. In 2012, the famous Japanese global celebrity Mrs. David show sold 5000 fosflags pillows in 10 minutes. Since 2000, fossflakes has become a global five-star hotel partner, including MGM, Hilton, Hyatt, etc. It sold in Denmark in the second half of 2007, followed by 275 stores in Sweden and Finland. In 2011, fossfikes quality pillows were introduced to jysk Canada, jysk Iceland and jysk China. Fossfikes has 25 sales outlets in Singapore, including department stores such as Takashima house, Robinson, Metro, etc. It is sold in SOGO Chongguang department store, wing on center and other department stores in Hong Kong. In 2014, fossflags entered the Chinese market and its global sales expanded to 14 countries.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/a70cdd80c.html





