采购:公司与石油生产商、炼油商、 矿业公司和冶炼厂签有承 销协议。公司投资于物流, 为公司的供应商改善市场通路。
仓储:公司将石油产品储存于自有和第三方储罐内。将金属和矿产储存在Impala Terminals 和第三方的设施中。
混合:公司在世界各地的战略地点码头和仓库将实物大宗商品混 合,使其符合地区、市场和客户需求。
交付:安全、高质量的物 流服务。采用驳船、公路、 铁路、管道和船舶来运输大宗商品,支持公司的核心贸易活动并服务于第三方。
托克横跨全球,在六大洲 36 个国家设有办事处。公司的全球网络支持了公司的贸易活动,并帮助公司将全世界的生产商和消费者联系在一起。公司的每一个办事处都能得到整个托克集团的知识、资源和支持。托克的核心业务是实物贸易和物流。公司的投资和各家子公司支持并强化公司的贸易运作。它们作为单独的组织机构独立管理。
Trafigura is one of the commodity independent trading and logistics companies. Every day, the company promotes trade around the world in a responsible way. Procurement: the company has underwriting agreements with oil producers, refiners, mining companies and smelters. The company invests in logistics to improve market access for its suppliers. Storage: the company stores petroleum products in its own and third-party tanks. Store metals and minerals in impala terminals and third party facilities. Mix: the company mixes physical bulk commodities at strategic locations around the world, docks and warehouses, to meet regional, market and customer needs. Delivery: safe and high quality logistics service. Use barges, roads, railways, pipelines and ships to transport bulk commodities, support the company's core trading activities and serve third parties. Trafigura spared no effort to promote trade. For more than 20 years, the company has connected its customers to the global economy. The company is focused on the long term. The company pays its energy and resources to make the trade a higher level. The company is a partner of the country, the company and the community. The company has won their trust and built continuous shared value. Trafigura has offices in 36 countries across six continents. The company's global network supports its trading activities and helps it connect producers and consumers around the world. Every office of the company has the knowledge, resources and support of the whole Trafigura group. Trafigura's core business is physical trade and logistics. The company's investment and subsidiaries support and strengthen the company's trade operation. They are managed independently as separate organizations.