Illuma comes from Wyeth. Wyeth, the inventor of modern formula milk powder, always adheres to the brand belief of "hundred years of excellence, Huize and Xinsheng", and is committed to the health and well-being of billions of newborns. Since Dr. Gerstein invented the world's first infant formula in 1915, Wyeth has been leading the forefront of science and technology, specializing in the research and development of excellent formula, occupying six of the ten revolutionary innovations in the field of infant nutrition research and development, helping the growth of babies. With its high-tech affinity formula, high-quality pure milk source and high wisdom human formula, Qifu has become a brand of Irish government credit, and outstanding quality has achieved "Irish quality model". Wyeth's illuma milk powder complies with the principle of natural growth, restores natural nutrition with science and technology, grasps the natural healthy growth mode of baby, and brings together the world's leading nutrition, pediatrics and biological experts to present the first truly super high-end milk powder in China after decades of research. Illuma affinity human body formula helps stimulate the five growth driving forces - physique, skeleton, brain, immunity and absorption. Especially containing rare structural fat O-P-O, which is more compatible with human body at the molecular structure level of nutrients than the P-O-P structure of ordinary formula milk fat, and helps to absorb energy and calcium; DHA / AA ratio (1:1-1:2) is compatible with human body: helps to effectively utilize DHA and AA; the combination of O-P-O and soluble dietary fiber helps to increase the number of bifidobacteria; helps to improve the intestinal flora balance of baby, activate immune fine Cell; O-P-O and soluble dietary fiber combination affinity intestinal: OPO reduced calcium soap production, soluble dietary fiber promoted intestinal peristalsis. Compatible with each other: mild without fire, good for intestinal absorption. Pfizer's nutrition business and its subsidiaries, brands and products have been acquired by Nestle. In addition to the various local legal and regulatory obligations to be completed in some jurisdictions, Pfizer is no longer affiliated with Pfizer. Wyeth is a registered trademark of Wyeth corporation that is licensed for use. Pfizer is a registered trademark of Pfizer and / or its affiliates.