2015年7月28日,专注于投影类可穿戴市场的一数科技正式宣布获得4000万人民币天使轮投资 ,这笔投资将主要用于推进产品研发以及研发人才招募。2016年CES期间,一数科技发布了产品——ASU Cast One。
基于“激光显示和虚拟触控”技术,一数科技另一款穿戴式智能设备ASU CastⅡ于2017年底发布。
Founded in 2015, Beijing Yishu Technology Co., Ltd. is an intelligent hardware R & D company. The core technology is "laser display and virtual touch". On July 28, 2015, a number of technologies focusing on the projection wearable market officially announced an angel round investment of 40 million yuan, which will be mainly used to promote product research and development and R & D talent recruitment. During CES 2016, a number of technologies released asucast one. Based on the technology of "laser display and virtual touch", asucast II, another wearable intelligent device of several technologies, was released at the end of 2017. The core technology of a number of technologies is "laser display and virtual touch". In addition to focusing on the R & D and manufacturing of wearable intelligent devices, it will also rely on Haier u-home, viband and other new technologies to apply "laser display and virtual touch" technology to more fields including IOT.