




创刊于1851年美国,原名 纽约每日时报 ,全世界发行,美国较有影响的大报,长期以来拥有良好的公信力和权威性。

《纽约时报》(The New York Times)是一份在美国纽约出版的报纸,在全世界发行,有相当的影响力。美国有影响的英文对开日报。1851年9月18日创刊。由纽约时报公司在纽约出版。原名《纽约每日时报》,1857年9月14日改用现名。平日出90多版,星期日140版。1983年11月13日的一期星期日版达1572版,重量4.5千克多。发行量平日105.6万份,星期日164万份(1987)。1896年为A.S.奥克斯所收买,同年10月25日刊出“社训”:“刊载一切适于发表的新闻”。1935年奥克斯去世之后,其婿A.H.索尔兹伯格任发行人兼社长, 直至1961年。后为索尔兹伯格家族所有,与洛克菲勒财团关系密切。1969年起从家族企业变为股份公司,成为拥有多家美国报纸、杂志、电视台、广播电台和国外联合企业的大报团。



Founded in 1851 in the United States, formerly known as the New York Daily Times, published all over the world, the influential newspaper in the United States has a long history of good credibility and authority. The New York Times is a newspaper published in New York, the United States. It is distributed all over the world and has considerable influence. An influential English newspaper in the United States. It was founded on September 18, 1851. Published in New York by the New York Times. The original name is the New York Daily Times. On September 14, 1857, it was changed to the current name. More than 90 editions are published on weekdays and 140 on Sundays. The Sunday edition of November 13, 1983 reached 1572, weighing more than 4.5kg. The circulation was 1.056 million on weekdays and 1.64 million on Sundays (1987). It was bought by A.S. Oakes in 1896. On October 25 of the same year, it published the "social training": "publishing all the news suitable for publication". After Oakes died in 1935, his son-in-law, A.H. salisberg, was the issuer and president until 1961. Later, it was owned by the salisberg family and closely related to the Rockefeller consortium. Since 1969, it has changed from a family business to a joint-stock company, becoming a large newspaper group with many American newspapers, magazines, TV stations, radio stations and foreign joint ventures. In terms of news coverage, the New York Times regards itself as a "newspaper record". The result of this policy is that the New York Times rarely reports an event first, except for the local news in New York. The New York Times has a reputation as a news source. Its editorial is generally considered to be relatively open. But in fact, its editorial is written by many different authors, and their views vary from left to right. Many conservatives think the New York Times's news coverage, especially its editorial, is too liberal. Compared with the New York Times, the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, two other important newspapers published in New York, are at least conservative in their editorials.

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