U-ZA是Sanita品牌旗下的儿童洗护产品品牌,其原料采用韩国原产柚子提取物、以及欧洲Eco-cert有机认证成分(葡萄柚籽萃取、佛手柑提取液、 柑橘提取物、橙子提取物等天然成分)合制而成。 Sanita U-ZA快捷清洁、消毒功能,可以保障婴幼儿不受细菌和污染物的侵害,又能避免婴幼儿稚嫩的肌肤受到化学洗涤剂的腐蚀,具有良好的护肤功能。让孩子们在清洁、舒适的生活环境中健康成长。
Children's washing and care product brand started in South Korea. Its raw materials are grapefruit extract from South Korea, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-virus functions and can effectively avoid the corrosion of infant and young skin by chemical detergents. Sanita is affiliated to HMG, a subsidiary of South Korean multinational pharmaceutical company Hanmei group, and the popular "mommy love" children's drug brand in China, which is called HMG's two core companies Brand. U-za is a brand of children's care products under the brand of Sanita. Its raw materials are made of pomelo extract from South Korea and European eco cert Organic Certified ingredients (pomelo seed extract, bergamot extract, citrus extract, orange extract and other natural ingredients). The functions of sanitau-za are fast cleaning and disinfection, which can protect infants from bacteria and pollutants, and prevent infants' immature skin from being corroded by chemical detergents. Let children grow up in a clean and comfortable living environment. U-za (grapefruit) is a citron fruit growing on the south coast of South Korea. It contains a lot of vitamins. The naringin (DAI) and hesperidin in pomelo are similar to other flavonoids and have anti-inflammatory and antiviral functions. The whole series of u-za products contain the extract of naringin.