韩国SKIN79株式会社是一家总部在韩国首尔的化妆品企业,其前身是N&B INTERNATIONAL公司。现任总经理为林炳善。SKIN79为SKIN79株式会社旗下主打品牌,其销售范围已经覆盖到全球20多个国家和地区,销售渠道主要有(1)线上渠道;(2)韩国乐天免税店及多个电视购物平台;(3)台湾地区入驻300多家化妆品店及近5000家7-eleven;(4)其他40多个国家和地区的专卖店或电视购物。
SKIN79的 ’79’的发音源于韩语里的朋友,就像经常陪伴在我左右的朋友一样,SKIN79从创立伊始便专注于研究20代女性皮肤,深为了解年轻的肌肤。用真诚的心聆听你的烦恼,努力去解决年轻女性的肌肤困扰。为刚刚接触化妆品却不知道什么是适合自己的而苦恼的大学生,亲切地传递方法与技巧,致力于成为年轻肌肤朋友的亲密伙伴。
The cosmetics brand from South Korea, with the perfect combination of natural cosmetics and medical cosmetics as the selling point, is a natural clinical skin care product suitable for sensitive skin. Skin79 Co., Ltd. is a cosmetics company headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. Its predecessor is n & Bi national company. The current general manager is Lin Bingshan. Skin79 is the main brand of Skin79 Co., Ltd. and its sales scope has covered more than 20 countries and regions around the world. The main sales channels are (1) online channels; (2) Korean Lotte duty-free stores and multiple TV shopping platforms; (3) more than 300 cosmetics stores and nearly 5000 7-Eleven stores in Taiwan; (4) exclusive stores or TV shopping in more than 40 other countries and regions. Skin79's' 79 'pronunciation comes from friends in Korean. Just like friends who often accompany me, Skin79 has been focusing on the study of the skin of 20 generations of women since its inception and deeply understanding the young skin. Listen to your troubles with sincere heart and try to solve the skin troubles of young women. For the college students who just contact with cosmetics but don't know what is suitable for them, they are eager to pass on their methods and skills and devote themselves to becoming close partners of young skin friends.