名车,豪车人皆梦想,而星客特汽车恰恰是通过给您好的驾乘感受来满足您,令您陶醉其间,籍此来实现这一伟大梦想。单纯的酷外形,高时速并不能满足您对车辆的高要求。其实,星客特汽车对每一款车都投入极大的热情来满足您的需求,强烈的好奇心来使汽车更具科技含量和持久的激情让您在车中即可享受人生。而这些恰恰是所有 星客特汽车 的员工和管理人员所共同享有的价值观和信念。这种信念从星客特汽车成立的那一刻起一直传承到今天。
星客特汽车(中国)有限公司(以下简称星客特或星客特汽车)属美国STAR集团( 客户之星 )在中国境内成立的子公司。 客户之星 是STAR集团的注册商标。STAR集团在汽车行业具有一定的知名度。STAR集团的座右铭就是 与众不同 ,无论是汽车产品还是服务,都立志于做到与众不同,满足客户的个性需求。
星客特汽车正式成立于1999年,并已获美国STAR CUSTOM INDUSTRY,INC公司授权,在中国境内是5门加长豪华礼宾车(5-Door Limousine)、豪华礼宾巴士(Limousine Bus)、多功能休闲旅游车(Recreational Vehicle)等各类客户之星系列豪华汽车的总代理商。进入二十一世纪,客户对汽车的要求就是STAR集团所考虑的:漂亮的外形、出色的性能和安全性。经过几年来的努力,星客特汽车已在全国范围内建立起了一个比较成熟的销售网络,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。
Famous cars and luxury cars are people's dreams, and Xingke special car is just to satisfy you by giving you driving experience, intoxicating you, so as to realize this great dream. Simple cool shape, high speed does not meet your high requirements for the vehicle. In fact, Xingke special automobile devotes great enthusiasm to each car to meet your needs, and strong curiosity makes the car more scientific and technological content and lasting passion, so that you can enjoy life in the car. These are exactly the values and beliefs shared by all the employees and managers of Star car. This belief has been passed down from the moment when star car was founded to today. Star car (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Star car or star car) is a subsidiary of Star Group (customer star) in China. Customer star is a registered trademark of star group. Star Group has a certain reputation in the automobile industry. Star Group's motto is to be different, whether it is automobile products or services, are determined to be different, to meet the individual needs of customers. Star car was founded in 1999, and has been authorized by starcustom, Inc. of the United States. In China, Star car is the general agent of five door limousine, limousine bus, multifunctional recreational vehicle and other types of customers' Star Series luxury cars. In the 21st century, customers' requirements for automobiles are what star group considers: beautiful appearance, excellent performance and safety. After several years of efforts, the company has established a relatively mature sales network nationwide and achieved good economic and social benefits.
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