妙巴黎 (Bourjois) 创立于1863年,有一个半世纪的历史。妙巴黎 (Bourjois) 创始人Monsieur Alexandre Napoleon Bourjois本身很喜爱舞台剧表演,他常常耳闻当时舞台剧女演员们抱怨化妆品很油腻、不舒服而且伤皮肤,为找不到好的彩妆而烦恼。因此 Bourjois先生决定要找一个好方法来解决这个问题,所以他花了很多时间去研究,终于创造了妙巴黎 (Bourjois) 品牌。Bourjois先生的巧思很快的就由巴黎的女演员们传到世界各地,至今已有九十多年历史的妙巴黎 (Bourjois) 腮红,在全球有大量Fans热爱。
来自法国巴黎的妙巴黎 (Bourjois,也译为:夜巴黎) ,是世界彩妆品牌。妙巴黎 (Bourjois) 的清新包装,配合如糖果般的迷人色调,赢得不少女性的欢心,成为巴黎少数屹立至今的品牌。
妙巴黎 (Bourjois) 的彩妆产品始终带动着彩妆潮流,如:把当时流行的胭脂膏改良为Powder Blush,令上妆成为易事,是当时化妆界的一大突破。至于在制造彩妆产品方面,妙巴黎 (Bourjois) 也保留传统的烤焙制法,其好处是令胭脂粉末更加幼滑细致。另外,妙巴黎 (Bourjois) 更将当时舞台化妆的产品材料加以改良,创制出一系列易上色又贴服的彩妆产品,令女士们投入上妆的乐趣。
妙巴黎(Bourjois) 与世界品牌香奈儿 (Chanel) 出自同一家工厂,为香奈儿 (Chanel) 的开架品牌,畅销全世界。近期在日本,妙巴黎 (Bourjois) 的爱用者人数更是成长飞快,喜欢日本时尚潮流的海报Girl们常常都可以在日本杂志上看到妙巴黎(Bourjois) 的身影。
Bourjoys, founded in 1863, has a history of one and a half centuries. Monsieur Alexandre Napoleon BOURJOIS, the founder of BOURJOIS, loved stage performance very much. He often heard that stage actresses complained that cosmetics were greasy, uncomfortable and hurt their skin. They were worried about not finding good cosmetics. So Mr. BOURJOIS decided to find a good way to solve this problem, so he spent a lot of time to study and finally created the brand of BOURJOIS. Mr. Bourjois's ingenuity was quickly spread from Paris's actresses to all over the world. Up to now, there has been a history of more than 90 years of wonderful Bourjois blush in Paris, and there is a lot of Fans love in the world. Bourjoys, from Paris, France, is a world cosmetics brand. The fresh packaging of BOURJOIS, combined with the charming color like candy, has won the favor of many women and become one of the few brands standing up to now in Paris. The make-up products of bourjoys have always been driving the trend of make-up. For example, it was a breakthrough in the field of make-up at that time to change the popular Rouge cream into powder brush, which made it easy to put on make-up. As for making make-up products, bourjoys also keeps the traditional baking method, which has the advantage of making Rouge powder more delicate and smooth. In addition, bourjoys improved the materials of stage make-up products at that time, creating a series of color make-up products that are easy to color and pasted, so that women can enjoy making up. Bourjoys and Chanel, the world brand, come from the same factory and sell well all over the world. Recently, in Japan, the number of users of bourjoys is growing rapidly. Girls, who like Japanese fashion trends, can often see the figure of bourjoys in Japanese magazines. In October 2014, Coty group announced that it had reached an agreement with Chanel group to acquire Chanel group's make-up brand miaopan in the non cash form of 4.2% of the group's shares.