上海联合滚动轴承有限公司是上海电气集团总公司下属上海集优机械股份有限公司的企业之一,厂址上海市闵行区沪闵路 1111 号。地处上海市闵行开发区,占地10万平方米,是华东地区具一定规模的轴承专业生产厂家。
公司前身是始建于 1958 年原广肇路的上海滚动轴承厂,1960年由广肇路迁址现在的沪闵路1111号。1993年3月上海滚动轴承厂与外方公司合资成立上海联合滚动轴承有限公司。2005年11月公司资产上移由上海电气(集团)总公司控股,进入上海电气总公司下属的上海集优机械股份有限公司。2006年4月上海集优机械股份有限公司在香港上市(HK2345)。
Shanghai United Rolling Bearing Co., Ltd. is one of the enterprises of Shanghai Jiyou Machinery Co., Ltd. subordinate to Shanghai Electric Group Corporation, with the address of 1111 humin Road, Minhang District, Shanghai. Located in Minhang Development Zone, Shanghai, covering an area of 100000 square meters, it is a professional bearing manufacturer with a certain scale in East China. The predecessor of the company is the Shanghai rolling bearing factory, which was founded in 1958 on Guangzhao road. In 1960, it moved from Guangzhao road to No. 1111, humin road. In March 1993, Shanghai rolling bearing factory and foreign company jointly established Shanghai United Rolling Bearing Co., Ltd. In November 2005, the company's assets were transferred up from Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation to Shanghai Jiyou Machinery Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Shanghai Electric Corporation. In April 2006, Shanghai Jiyou Machinery Co., Ltd. was listed in Hong Kong (hk2345). The company's products are divided into three categories: wind power bearing, rail transit bearing and general bearing. Among them, the wind power bearing is the yaw and pitch bearing of the wind turbine; the rail transit bearing is the bearing used for railway freight cars, railway locomotives and urban rail transit; the general bearing is the bearing used for industrial robots, engineering machinery, petroleum machinery, rolling mills, medical equipment, military industry, vehicles, etc. The registered trademark of the company is "SG".