“Liebe”来自德国,在德语中表达为“爱”的意思, 蕴涵了家庭、父母对子女天生的宠爱。
“Liebe” 护肤品配方均由德国皮肤科研机构München Er Muci研发而成,该机构专注于皮肤药品研发50多年,产品以“天然植物配方”为核心,力求高品质高服务。作为母婴专业护理用品品牌,liebe始终坚持不懈对母婴皮肤护理用品的科学研发,针对亚洲人皮肤的专注研究,不断地从母亲、宝宝中聆听,从中寻求对宝宝更温和、更关爱的护理方式,如创造“水营养配方”让宝宝脆弱的皮肤免受外界环境的直接伤害,“蚕丝氨基酸配方” 增加宝宝皮肤细胞活力使皮肤细嫩光滑,所有产品皆通过专业医学临床测试等。迄今已发展出全系列专业的婴幼儿清洁、滋润和护理产品,提供宝宝从头到脚、给娇嫩柔细的肌肤温和的呵护。
"Liebe" comes from Germany. It means "love" in German, which implies the family and parents' inborn love for their children. The formulation of "Liebe" skin care products is developed by M ü nchen Er MUCI, a German skin research institution, which focuses on the research and development of skin drugs for more than 50 years. The products take "natural plant formula" as the core and strive for high quality and high service. As a brand of professional nursing products for mothers and infants, Liebe has always been unremitting in scientific research and development of skin care products for mothers and infants, focusing on the skin research of Asians, constantly listening to mothers and babies, and seeking more gentle and caring care for babies, such as creating "water nutrition formula" to protect babies' vulnerable skin from direct damage from the external environment, "Silk ammonia" Basic acid formula "increases the vitality of baby's skin cells and makes the skin delicate and smooth. All products have passed the professional medical clinical test, etc. Up to now, we have developed a series of professional baby cleaning, moistening and nursing products, which can provide baby with gentle care from head to toe and delicate skin.
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/c397ffa52.html