和Burberry 一样,Barbour 是创始人John Barbour 的姓。Barbour的生产公司名为J. Barbour & Sons,这个名字已经大致点出了其发展的历史。老John Barbour于1849年出生于西苏格兰盖落威的一个农庄里,是家中的老二。其家族历史可以追溯到14世纪。
1894年,John Barbour在South Shields开始生产适合野外穿着的外套。生活经验使John清楚地知道怎样的外套才适合在各类恶劣的情况下穿着,也正因为如此,从一开始Barbour就不是为城市而设计的服装,而是为野外活动所设计的服装。
Founded in 1894 in the UK, it is an international well-known wind and rain clothing brand, proud of its strong and durable quality. Because of its classic fashion design and the characteristics of British style, it is welcomed by fashion women who love beauty. Take pride in strong and durable quality. Like Burberry, Barbour is the last name of the founder John Barbour. Barbour's production company is called J. Barbour & Sons, which has roughly pointed out its development history. Old John Barbour was born in 1849 on a farm in Galloway, West Scotland. He is the second in his family. Its family history can be traced back to the 14th century. In 1894, John Barbour began making outerwear suits for the wild in South shields. Life experience made John know clearly what kind of coat is suitable for all kinds of bad situations, and because of this, from the beginning, Barbour was not designed for the city, but for the field activities. Many nearly legendary stories prove the solid and durable quality of Barbour's pride: a fisherman spent more than ten hours at sea fighting against the strong wind and drifting for more than ten hours. When he was found, the clothes inside the Barbour jacket were still dry; a Barbour jacket was lost in the wild for a year, and can continue to be used normally after being found