4.当埃索美拉唑用于去除幽门螺杆菌的治疗时,应考虑三联疗法中所有成份的可能的药物相互作用。克拉霉素是CYP 3A4的有效抑制剂,因此当三联疗法的患者同时服用其它也经CYP 3A4代谢的药物,如西沙必利时,应考虑克拉霉素的禁忌和相互作用。
6.肾功能损害 :肾功能损害的患者无需调整剂量。对于严重肾功能不全的患者,由于使用该药的经验有限,治疗时应慎重(见【药代动力学】)。
7.肝功能损害 轻到中度肝功能损害的患者无需调整剂量。对于严重肝功能损害的患者,埃索美拉唑镁肠溶片的剂量不应超过20 mg(见【药代动力学】)。
8.对驾驶和使用机器能力的影响 尚未观察到这方面的影响。
Generally, it refers to esomeprazole enteric coated tablets, which are suitable for inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid. The tablets should be swallowed together with the liquid, and should not be chewed or crushed. Nexium generally refers to esomeprazole enteric coated tablets, which are suitable for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - erosive reflux esophagitis - the maintenance treatment to prevent recurrence of recovered esophagitis patients - gastroesophageal reflux disease (GER D) Symptom control combined with appropriate antimicrobial therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication and - healing of duodenal ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori infection - prevention of recurrence of peptic ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori. It is forbidden to use esomeprazole, other benzimidazoles or any other ingredients of the product if it is known to be allergic. Note 1. In case of any alarm symptoms (such as significant unconscious weight loss, repeated vomiting, dysphagia, hematemesis or black stool), suspected gastric ulcer or gastric ulcer, malignant tumor should be excluded, because the use of esomeprazole enteric coated tablets can reduce symptoms and delay diagnosis. 2. Patients treated with the drug (especially those who have used it for more than 1 year) should be monitored regularly. 3. Patients who need to be treated should be informed to contact doctors when their symptoms and characteristics change. In the treatment of on-demand medication, the possible drug interactions due to the fluctuation of esomeprazole blood concentration should be considered (see drug interactions). 4. When esomeprazole is used to remove Helicobacter pylori, the possible drug interactions of all components in triple therapy should be considered. Clarithromycin is an effective inhibitor of CYP3A4. Therefore, when patients take other drugs metabolized by CYP3A4, such as cisapride, the taboo and interaction of clarithromycin should be considered. 5. Patients with rare genetic diseases, such as poor glucose tolerance, glucose galactose absorption disorder or sucrase isomaltase deficiency, should not take this product. 6. Renal function damage: Patients with renal function damage do not need to adjust the dose. For patients with severe renal insufficiency, due to the limited experience of using the drug, the treatment should be cautious (see [pharmacokinetics]). 7. There is no need to adjust the dosage in patients with mild to moderate liver function damage. The dose of esomeprazole enteric coated tablets should not exceed 20 mg in patients with severe liver function damage (see [pharmacokinetics]). 8. The impact on the ability to drive and use the machine has not been observed.