集团斥资购入的办公大楼丶厂房及宿舍总面积逾73,000平方米,聘用员工近8,200人。 集团致力提升产品质素,加强服务水准。除了不断招聘经验丰富的技术人员外,更不断投资增置新的生产和信息设备,成绩骄人。自九十年代初期进军国内市场以来,集团业务发展一日千里。
迄今为止,集团的零售业务遍及中国包括港澳地区在内190多个大中型城市,拥有逾2,000个零售点。安莉芳集团不仅是女性内衣的供货商,更成功地建立了高质素、多元化的 Embry Form安莉芳 、 Fandecie芬狄诗 、“Comfit”、“Liza Cheng”、“E-BRA”、“IVU”、“安朵”等内衣品牌系列。
Liza Cheng is an underwear brand owned by an Lifang group, which is known as "China's underwear kingdom". It is named after Mr. Zheng Mintai, the leader of Hong Kong's underwear industry, who loves his daughter. Therefore, it embodies a unique treasure like atmosphere of love. Its top-level art and design, which integrates Eastern and Western cultures, and the exquisite craftsmanship that has been passed on for nearly 40 years, together with Ms. Liza Cheng's personal energy devoted to each product, are called "treasures in underwear". Founded in Hong Kong in 1975, anlifang group has developed into a large modern enterprise after more than 30 years of operation. In line with the business development direction of "taking root in Hong Kong, looking to Shenzhou in the north and looking to the world", the group will be headquartered in Hong Kong, with a self owned office building area of 5000 square meters. In 1987, the group established an Lifang (China) Clothing Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, and an Lifang (Changzhou) Clothing Co., Ltd. in 1993, with production lines located in two places. In the 21st century, in the third decade of reform and opening up, an Lifang took advantage of the development strategy of the Bohai Bay Economic Circle of China, selected the Mingshui Economic Development Zone of Shandong Province, and established a green ecological industrial park. On December 1, 2010, the Shanghai headquarters building of an Lifang was officially opened. The total area of office buildings, factories and dormitories purchased by the group is over 73000 square meters, employing nearly 8200 employees. The group is committed to improving product quality and enhancing service level. In addition to constantly recruiting experienced technical personnel, we are also constantly investing in new production and information equipment, with remarkable achievements. Since entering the domestic market in the early 1990s, the group's business has developed rapidly. So far, the group's retail business covers more than 190 large and medium-sized cities in China, including Hong Kong and Macao, with more than 2000 retail outlets. Allifon group is not only the supplier of women's underwear, but also has successfully established high-quality and diversified underwear brands such as embryform, fandice, comfit, lizacheng, e-bra, IVU and andot. At present, the group's product categories include bust, underwear, tights, swimsuits, rhythmic clothing, pajamas, hosiery and maternity nursing underwear, which are popular with women from all walks of life.