1992年以前,时装模特出身的玛格蕾斯不仅是爱思卡达 (Escada) 的创建者之一,亦是其设计师 (1992年去世)。作为时装模特的玛格蕾斯以一头美丽的金发和姣好的身材风靡于欧美的T型舞台。更为重要的是,玛格蕾斯对时装有着强烈的领悟能力,她总能尽善尽美地将设计师的意愿表现并传达给观众。在多年的模特生涯中,她形成了对时装的独特见解,终于抑制不住内心对创造美的追求,她决定独自设计时装,体味将心中喷涌的灵感展现于灵动舞台的创造激情。她以当时的一匹纯种爱尔兰赛马的名字将自己设计的时装命名为ESCADA。玛格蕾斯坚信:作为一名设计师仅仅凭靠天材的创造力是无法成功的,还应在新颖的创意与强烈市场意识之间寻找平衡支点。
简洁、洗练、精明、个性是爱思卡达 (Escada) 刻意创造的形象,服装风格明快,造型优雅,机能性强,实用性高,可系列搭配或单品组合,注重新型织物及独到的色彩体系的运用也是其特色之一。
爱思卡达 (Escada)除了时装外,亦与欧洲设计师开拓世界香水产品,1990年,爱思卡达 (Escada)推出了它的香水:一颗象征着男女之爱的心。爱思卡达 (Escada)品牌如今已拓展到包袋、香水、珠宝、太阳眼镜、鞋、配饰等领域。
Founded in Germany in 1976, senior women's wear and accessories brand is famous for high-income professional women's design and management of high-quality women's wear. The influential brand in the international luxury market was founded in 1976 by Escada brand, which is famous for high-income professional women's design and management of high-quality women's wear. Before 1992, margaris, a fashion model, was not only one of the founders of Escada, but also one of its designers (died in 1992). As a fashion model, Magnus is popular on the T-stage in Europe and America with her beautiful blonde hair and good figure. What's more, margaris has a strong understanding of fashion. She can always perfectly express the designer's wishes and convey them to the audience. In her many years of modeling career, she has formed a unique view of fashion, and finally can't restrain her inner pursuit of creating beauty. She decided to design fashion by herself, and to show her inspiration in her heart on the creative passion of the smart stage. She named her fashion Escada after a pure Irish horse at that time. Margaris firmly believes that as a designer, it is impossible to succeed only by relying on the creativity of Tiancai, and it is also necessary to find a balance between innovative ideas and strong market awareness. Simple, clean, smart and individual are the images created by Escada deliberately. The clothing style is bright, elegant, functional and practical. It can be used in series or combination of single items. It is also one of its characteristics to pay attention to the use of new fabrics and unique color system. In addition to fashion, Ace Cada (Escada) also developed the world perfume products with European designers. In 1990, Ace Cada (Escada) launched its perfume: a symbol of love between men and women. The brand of Ace Escada has been extended to bags, perfume, jewelry, sunglasses, shoes, accessories and so on.