IN 1942 上海的南京路素有“十里南京路,一个步行街”的称号,路旁遍布着各种上海商店及商城。它也是上海开埠后较早建立的一条商业街,培蒙服饰的店铺便由周凤奎先生开创于此。一九四二年的中国风雨飘摇,刚刚起步的中国工业由于日本人的侵略而备受打击。培蒙创始人周凤奎先生为了实业救国振兴中华,便在熙攘的南京路上开了一家培蒙西装店。由于周凤奎先生经营的培蒙西装店价格优惠、服务周到、工艺精湛、质量上乘,迅速在上海的华人社区和租界侨民中得到了广泛赞誉,培蒙西服也在一段时间内成为了精品西服的代名词。
IN 1998 在改革的大环境下,顺应潮流,调整思路,大胆创新改制。在继承前人优良传统的基础上,积极吸取新思想、新技术。确立了以市场经济为基础,以企业法人制度为主体,以公司制度为核心,以产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学为条件的现代企业制度。
IN 2000在新千年到来之际,培蒙服饰投入巨资,在上海经济开发区-上海松江工业园区内,新建了20000多平方米现代化厂房。并先后引进德国、日本、意大利等国际生产线和全套CAD服装设计系统,使培蒙服饰取得了跨越式发展。
IN 2010在网络时代大潮流中,培蒙服饰积极开拓网络资源,成立培蒙服饰信息部门。建立了一整套信息化管理、运营、物流体系。积极建设培蒙官网,培蒙公众号等网络平台。给客户建立了一个多方位,全立体,全通道的交流展示平台,较大增加了培蒙服饰的网络影响力。
IN 2017中国梦已经开始,培蒙的梦想也即将远航。通过多年的努力发展,培蒙已拥有员工1000多名,固定资产2.6亿元,年产服装超70万套(件),年销售收入逾3.5亿元。发展至今已成为集设计、生产、销售为一体的现代化大型服装品牌服饰公司。今后培蒙也会在中国服装产业的振兴和中华民族崛起的道路上继续勇往前行。
In 1942, Nanjing Road in Shanghai is known as "ten Li Nanjing Road, a pedestrian street". There are various shops and shopping malls around the road. It is also an early commercial street established after the opening of Shanghai, where Mr. Zhou Fengkui started the shop of Peimeng clothing. In 1942, China was in a state of turmoil, and its fledgling industry was hit by Japanese aggression. Mr. Zhou Fengkui, founder of Peimeng, opened a business suit shop on the bustling Nanjing Road in order to save the country and revitalize China. Due to the preferential price, considerate service, exquisite workmanship and high quality of the suit shop operated by Mr. Zhou Fengkui, the suit shop has been widely praised by the Chinese community and the expatriates in the concession in Shanghai, and the suit of Peimeng has become the synonym of the excellent suit for a period of time. In 1998, in the context of reform, we should conform to the trend, adjust our thinking, and boldly innovate the system reform. On the basis of inheriting the fine traditions of predecessors, we should actively absorb new ideas and technologies. It has established a modern enterprise system based on market economy, with enterprise legal person system as the main body, company system as the core, with clear property rights, clear rights and responsibilities, separation of government and enterprise, and scientific management as the conditions. In 2000, when the new millennium came, Peimeng invested heavily in clothing, and built more than 20000 square meters of modern factory buildings in Shanghai Economic Development Zone Songjiang Industrial Park. And has introduced Germany, Japan, Italy and other international production lines and a full set of CAD clothing design system, so that the Peimeng clothing has made a leap forward development. In 2010, in the trend of network era, Peimeng clothing actively develops network resources and establishes Peimeng clothing information department. A complete set of information management, operation and logistics system has been established. Actively build the network platform of Pei Meng official account, Pei Meng public number and so on. A multi-directional, three-dimensional, full channel communication and display platform has been established for customers, which greatly increases the network influence of Peimeng clothing. The Chinese dream of in2017 has begun, and the dream of Peimeng is about to set sail. Through years of hard development, Peimeng has more than 1000 employees, fixed assets of 260 million yuan, annual production of more than 700000 sets (pieces), annual sales revenue of more than 350 million yuan. So far, it has become a modern large-scale clothing brand company integrating design, production and sales. In the future, Peimeng will continue to march forward bravely on the road of the revitalization of China's clothing industry and the rise of the Chinese nation.
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/cc2aef101.html