斯图尔特·韦茨曼 (Stuart Weitzman) 是高端鞋履品牌,设计师斯图尔特·韦茨曼 (Stuart A. Weitzman) 1942年出生,是斯图尔特·韦茨曼鞋履公司的创始人和设计师。斯图尔特·韦茨曼 (Stuart A. Weitzman) 品牌鞋履,使用独特的材质 (如:软木、树脂、壁纸、24K金、钻石等) 以及对细节的关注,使设计师和他的鞋履扬名全球。
斯图尔特·韦茨曼 (Stuart A. Weitzman) 品牌鞋履在45个国家均有销售。斯图尔特·韦茨曼 (Stuart Weitzman) 的父亲赛默·韦茨曼 (Seymour Weitzman) 50年代底在马萨诸塞州创建了“赛默鞋”品牌 (Seymour Shoes,也叫Mr. Seymour)。60年代起,刚步入20岁的斯图尔特便开始为父亲经营家族生意。
Started in 1986 in the United States, it is famous for designing and manufacturing avant-garde, fashionable and comfortable shoes. Its products are mainly playful and charming modern American style. Stuart Weitzman, a famous global footwear product design and production company, is a high-end footwear brand. Stuart A. Weitzman, born in 1942, is Stuart Weitzman's footwear company Founder and designer of the company. Stuart A. Weitzman brand shoes use unique materials (such as cork, resin, wallpaper, 24K gold, diamond, etc.) and attention to details to make designers and his shoes famous all over the world. Stuart A. Weitzman shoes are sold in 45 countries. Seymour Weitzman, Stuart Weitzman's father, founded the Seymour shoes brand in Massachusetts in the late 1950s. Since the 1960s, Stewart, just entering the age of 20, began to run a family business for his father.