SLITTI 公司由Luciano Slitti先生于1969年创立。身为咖啡店店长,Luciano先生对他提供给客户的咖啡不甚满意,因此逐渐开始烘培自己的咖啡。他对此有着满腔的热情和坚毅的决心,不久之后,他的咖啡就以优异的品质在同类产品中脱颖而出,获得了广泛的认可和青睐,并与众多知名咖啡馆建立了合作伙伴关系。
Founded in 1969 and evolved from slatti food family, its products include coffee / chocolate drinks / cocoa / coffee drinks / tea / sugar / chocolate products / fructose / candy, etc. slatti company was founded by Mr. Luciano slatti in 1969. As a coffee shop manager, Mr. Luciano was not very satisfied with the coffee he provided to customers, so he gradually began to bake his own coffee. He has full of enthusiasm and determination for this. Soon after, his coffee stood out in the same kind of products with excellent quality, won wide recognition and favor, and established partnership with many famous coffee shops. His two sons, Andrea and Daniele, joined the company and mastered the skill of mixing and baking high-quality coffee. In 1988, Andrea decided to add a product from the American colonies to their product line, chocolate. At that time, his inspiration flashed and he decided to connect chocolate and coffee. Andrea's main interest is to understand all the secrets of cocoa, while Daniele is interested in researching and developing unknown coffee varieties.