始于1872年意大利,隶属Cizeta Medicali旗下,奇则特医疗器械贸易(上海)有限公司负责国内代理商的管理与产品的销售,其静脉曲张和淋巴水肿等产品颇具声誉
1872年,Centenari & Zinelli 公司在米兰诞生,这是意大利历史悠久的弹力织物生产企业
1913年, 通用疝气腰带 在意大利国内市场上销售
1936年,静脉曲张治疗用弹力袜研制成功,不久Centenari & Zinelli 公司便专注此种产品的生产
1966年,Centenari & Zinelli 公司股票在米兰证券交易所上市
1982年,公司医卫产品部发展迅速,脱离公司而作为独立企业:Cizeta Paramedicali 有限公司成立
1986年,在意大利米兰Via IV Novembre 46 in Cuggiono (MI) 建造了公司新址,内设行政办公部门和生产部门
1994年,公司在法国设立了销售分公司 Cizeta Paramedicali SA
2000年,公司易名为Cizeta Medicali S.p.A. , 以执行公司集中注意力开发医用产品的新战略
2000年, 慢性静脉功能不全加压治疗 问世
2007年,本公司控股的法国公司并购了专门在法国药店系统销售理疗产品的Medical Direct公司
2010年,法国 Cizeta Medicali France 迁入 St. Amand Montrond 的新建楼房
2010年, 慢性淋巴系统功能不全加压治疗 问世
2010年,创设Cizeta Sport 体育用品部,推出加压治疗产品新系列
Cizeta medical equipment trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is responsible for the management of domestic agents and sales of products. Its varicose veins, lymphedema and other products are well-known. Cizeta is a wholly foreign-owned Italian company. The company has a history of more than 140 years and is engaged in health protection and prevention of elastic fabric products There is a long tradition in production. Qizete medical device Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Cizeta, which is responsible for the management of national agents and the sales of products. The company has a good reputation in the field of medical treatment for varicose veins, lymphedema and other products. In 1872, centenari & zinelli company was born in Milan, which is a long-standing elastic fabric manufacturer in Italy. In 1902, the elastic fabric production patent was deposited and filed in 1913. The general hernia belt was sold on the Italian domestic market in 1914. In 1925, the advertisement in the monthly magazine of Italian tourism Club innovated the production of knee, thigh and calf pressure socks. And registered a patent. In 1936, the elastic socks for varicose vein treatment were developed successfully. Soon centenari & zinelli company focused on the production of this product. In 1942, the patent of knee bandage was filed in 1947, the patent of leg short elastic socks for treatment was filed in 1966, centenari & amp; Zinelli's stock was listed on the Milan Stock Exchange in 1971, and the trademark of Varian Medical elastic socks was published in 1982. The company's medical and health products department developed rapidly and separated from the company as an independent enterprise: cizetaparamedicali Co., Ltd. was founded in 1986, and the company's new site was built in viaivnovembre46in cuggiono (MI), Milan, Italy, with administrative office department and production department in 1994 Cizeta paramedicalis, a sales branch established in France in 2000, changed its name to Cizeta Medicalis. P.a, To implement the company's new strategy of focusing on the development of medical products in 2000, chronic venous insufficiency compression therapy was launched in 2007. The French company controlled by the company acquired medicaldirect company, which specializes in selling physiotherapy products in the French pharmacy system. In 2010, the French Cizeta medical France moved into the new building of St. amandmontrond. In 2010, chronic lymphatic insufficiency compression therapy was launched In 2010, cizetasport sporting goods department was established and a new series of compression therapy products was launched