1825年创立于法国,世上古老的烟斗厂牌,法国闻名的烟斗厂商,法国Confrerie des Maitres-Pipiers成员
这家烟斗商原名为La Bruyere,这个名字是Chapuis和Comoy的合称,Chapuis是伦敦Comoy的法兰西表亲。因为法国市场销售不济,他决定要结束圣·克劳德的厂房时,当时正在伦敦本部工作的科摩家族后裔伊万斯自动请缨,要挽救该厂,并于其后得以与Comoy协商,购买了法国的厂房,他成功地把Chapuis-Comoy经营为法国闻名的烟斗厂商之一,时至今日,还继续出产。公司现在是Saint-Claude品牌联合企业的总部,也是当地声望很高的Confrerie des Maitres-Pipiers15个成员之一。 一方面,不少Chacom烟斗都以传统斗型推出;另一方面,也不忘发扬法兰西的设计品味,出产不少流行时款,如Volute系列。
Founded in France in 1825, CHACOM, a member of France's congfreriedes maitres pipiers, is one of the world's oldest pipe brands. It was born in 1825 and has a long history of about 180 years. CHACOM is located in the saint Claude District of France, where they produce a variety of pipe styles and grades. The original name of the pipe manufacturer was La Bruyere, which is the joint name of Chapuis and comoy. Chapuis is a French cousin of comoy in London. Because of the poor sales in the French market, when he decided to end the workshop of St. Claude, Evans, a descendant of the Como family who was working in London at that time, volunteered to save the factory, and after that, he was able to negotiate with comoy to buy the factory in France. He successfully managed Chapuis comoy as one of the famous pipe manufacturers in France, and to this day, he continues to produce. The company is now the headquarters of the saint Claude brand alliance and one of the 15 members of the local prestigious confreriedes maitres pipiers. On the one hand, many CHACOM pipes are launched in the traditional pipe type; on the other hand, it is not forgotten to carry forward the French design taste and produce many popular models, such as the volute series.