Ashok Leyland品牌怎么样
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1948年在印度马德拉斯(现印度港市)建立,英国Leyland Motor的控股公司,印度汽车工业的中坚力量,专注于商用车的制造与销售
1948年,Ashok Leyland在印度马德拉斯(现印度港市)建立,组装英国奥斯汀品牌汽车,之后与英国利兰汽车公司进行合作,并在1950年的时候生产商用车。进入上世纪80年代,先后与兰德·陆虎和菲亚特依维柯进行合作。1994年开始增加卡车生产,逐渐成为印度大型的商用车生产商。
资料显示,印度80%城市交通客车由Ashok Leyland生产,其产品涉及18到82座的各类客车和7.5吨到49吨的卡车系列。
在占有印度绝大部分市场后,Ashok Leyland开始海外扩张,在利用自己的优势进入欧洲市场的同时,这些印度的汽车生产商希望能联合本土更多具有竞争力的零部件商组合成大型的利益共同体,加快进入海外市场的步伐。
在Ashok Leyland客车产品中,绝大部分使用后置发动机,而Ashok Leyland自身也提倡使用CNG发动机,因此Ashok Leyland的CNG客车在印度颇有知名度。目前,其客车产品主要有城市客车和长途客车。Ashok Leyland还是印度少数几个可以制造双层客车的厂家。其长途客车主要为Cruiser和Stag系列,城市客车主要有Vking和Vestibule系列。
Founded in Madras (now the port of India) in 1948, the holding company of Leyland Motor in the UK, the backbone of the Indian automobile industry, focuses on the manufacturing and sales of commercial vehicles. In 1948, Ashok Leyland established in Madras (now the port of India) in India, assembled the British Austin brand automobile, and then cooperated with the British Leyland automobile company, which was born in 1950 Commercial vehicles. In the 1980s, it successively cooperated with Rand Land Rover and Fiat Iveco. In 1994, it began to increase truck production and gradually became a large commercial vehicle manufacturer in India. According to the data, 80% of the urban transport buses in India are produced by Ashok Leyland, whose products cover all kinds of buses with 18 to 82 seats and truck series with 7.5 to 49 tons. After occupying most of India's market, Ashok Leyland began to expand overseas. While taking advantage of its own advantages to enter the European market, these Indian auto manufacturers hope to combine more local competitive parts business groups to form a large community of interests and accelerate the pace of entering the overseas market. In Ashok Leyland bus products, most of them use rear engine, and Ashok Leyland also advocates using CNG engine, so Ashok Leyland's CNG bus is well-known in India. At present, its bus products mainly include city bus and coach. Ashok Leyland is also one of the few manufacturers in India that can make double decker buses. Its long-distance buses are mainly cruiser and stag series, and city buses are mainly vking and vestibule series.