GiuseppeZanotti 是意大利知名奢侈鞋履和时装设计师 ,包含仿宝石装饰高跟鞋,奢华运动鞋,手袋,珠宝,皮革及成衣系列。
同名品牌Giuseppe Zanotti一直是意大利精湛工艺的象征,成为敏锐专注细节、精挑细选材质和无可挑剔设计的代名词。
Giuseppe Zanotti始终以艺术审美和摇滚音乐为创意精髓,融合纯真个性与性感风格,着眼于高水准的手工制鞋传统,将每件鞋履都视为真正的艺术创作,推动时尚与艺术的不断融合。
Italian well-known luxury shoes and fashion designer of the same name brand, focusing on the high-level tradition of hand-made shoes, including high-heeled shoes decorated with imitation Gemstones / luxury sports shoes / handbags / Jewelry / leather and ready to wear series Giuseppe Zanotti is a famous Italian luxury shoes and fashion designer, including high-heeled shoes decorated with imitation gemstones, luxury sports shoes, handbags, jewelry, leather and ready to wear series. Giuseppe Zanotti, a brand with the same name, has always been a symbol of Italy's exquisite craftsmanship. It has become a synonym for keen attention to details, fine selection of materials and impeccable design. Giuseppe Zanotti always takes artistic aesthetics and rock music as the creative essence, integrates pure personality and sexy style, focuses on the high-level tradition of hand-made shoes, regards each shoe as a real artistic creation, and promotes the continuous integration of fashion and art.