ISTITUTO GANASSINI S.P.A(佳娜詩妮研究中心)于1930年在意大利米兰成立,由Domenico博士所领导研究群所组成,初期以新血管药品为主。在1972年正式将Rilastil系统产品成功导入到皮肤专科的领域,并成立公司专营法国市场,目前已经推出相当多医学美容保养品,以制药严谨的研究精神将保养品的效能推向另一高峰。
Founded in Milan, Italy, in 1930, istitutoganassinis. P.A (jianashini Research Center) was founded in Milan, Italy. It is composed of a research group led by Dr. Domenico. In the early stage, new vascular drugs are mainly used. In 1972, rilastil system products were successfully introduced into the field of skin specialty, and the company was established to specialize in the French market. At present, quite a number of medical beauty care products have been launched, and the efficiency of the maintenance products has been pushed to another peak in the spirit of rigorous pharmaceutical research.