Norman Virus Control(诺盟) 是欧洲杀毒软件,操作简单,功能强大!可以查杀50000多种病毒!其查杀病毒的能力有时竟然比NAV还强大! 新病毒每天尽出不穷。
而您的计算机可能就是下一个受害者。您需要一个专业的数据安全专家协助您防范这些风险。为何选择诺盟?Norman防毒软件可以保护您的计算机让您的计算机免受恶意程序和病毒软件的威胁。当发现文件受病毒感染,Norman Virus Control会在破坏代码生效前立即将它隔离或删除。Norman Virus Control的病毒扫描引擎取得重大的技术突破,在新版本中加入了革命性的SandBox诱捕技术,更有效查杀新型未知病毒,包括特洛伊木马和蠕虫。
Norman virusscontrol is a European anti-virus software with simple operation and powerful functions. It can kill more than 50000 kinds of viruses. Its ability to kill viruses is sometimes even stronger than that of Nav. New viruses emerge every day. And your computer may be the next victim. You need a professional data security expert to help you guard against these risks. Why Nordic? Norman antivirus software can protect your computer from malicious programs and virus software. When it is found that the file is infected with a virus, normanvirusscontrol will quarantine or delete the corrupt code immediately before it takes effect. Normanviruscontrol's virus scanning engine has made significant technological breakthroughs. In the new version, the revolutionary sandbox trapping technology has been added to more effectively kill new unknown viruses, including Trojans and worms.