Apple Pay,是苹果公司在2014苹果秋季新品发布会上发布的一种基于NFC的手机支付功能,于2014年10月20日在美国正式上线。
三分之二的Apple Pay 新用户在 11 月份多次使用这项服务。Apple Pay 用户平均每周使用Apple Pay 1.4 次。
2016年2月18日凌晨5:00, Apple Pay 业务在中国上线。
在商店或 app 内进行支付,变得既简单,又安全。你再也不必到处翻找钱包,也不用再浪费时间寻找合适的卡了。现在,你只要轻轻一触*,即可用你的信用卡或借记卡进行支付。
Apple Pay 简便易用,让你能使用储存在常用设备中的各种卡进行支付。它在使用过程中不会泄露你卡片的详细信息,因为这些资料根本不会储存在你的设备上,因此在 iPhone、Apple Watch 或 iPad 上用 Apple Pay 进行支付,非常安全、私密。
Apple Pay 在中国支持中国工商银行、中国农业银行、中国建设银行、中国银行、中国交通银行、邮政储蓄、招商银行、兴业银行、中信银行、民生银行、平安银行、光大银行、华夏银行、浦发银行、广发银行、北京银行、宁波银行、上海银行和广州银行的19家银行发行的借记卡和信用卡。并将他们与Apple Pay 关联,就能使用新的支付服务。
Apple Pay支持的设备
iPhone系列、iPad系列、Apple Watch(具体适配机型以官网数据为准)
注意:iPhone 5和iPhone 5s本身并不支持,而是连接到它们的Apple Watch可以用,因为5系列的手机不带NFC。
使用Apple Pay需要在苹果系统自带的 Wallet程序里添加银行卡。iPhone用户点击进入Wallet后,点击屏幕右上方的+号,再点击“下一步”就可进入申请页面,然后将银行卡正面放置在iPhone摄像头前,使卡面出现在屏幕的提示框内,系统会自动识别卡号,当然也可以手工输入卡号,接下来需要手工输入姓名、卡片有效期与安全码,还要阅读业务须知并选择接受。添加卡片成功后需激活才能使用,客户要确认手机号,并接收和输入验证码,才能成功激活。
如果需要在Apple Watch上添加,只要在相关联的iPhone上打开Watch APP,轻点“Wallet 与Apple Pay”,再轻点“添加信用卡或借记卡”,也可同样进行设置。需要注意的是,只有IOS9.2以上的版本才支持Apple Pay。
同一台设备可以添加多张银行卡。工行表示,同一台苹果设备可添加5张信用卡,首张添加卡即为默认卡。客户可以在“Wallet”APP中通过长按卡片并将该卡排列为首位的方式将该卡设为默认付款卡,也可在“设置-Wallet与Apple Pay”功能中设置默认付款卡。
使用Apple Pay不需要手机接入互联网,也不需要点击进入APP,甚至无须唤醒显示屏,只要将iPhone靠近有银联闪付标志的读卡器,并将手指放在HOME键上验证指纹,即可进行支付。也可以在iPhone 处于黑屏锁定状态时,轻点两下主屏幕按钮进入 Wallet,进行购买。如果交易终端显示需要输入密码,还需要输入银行卡的交易密码。只需一两秒钟就可以完成Apple Pay支付。
根据工行提供的信息,Apple Pay中的支付卡有效期为五年,不收取年费和挂失手续费。客户申请的Apple Pay支付卡与绑定的已有信用卡使用统一账户,共享账户信用额度。Apple Pay支付卡单笔支付限额为2万元人民币,日累计支付限额为5万元人民币。客户可通过工行营业网点、电子银行等渠道申请调整卡片信用额度。如果客户调整实体卡信用额度,Apple Pay支付卡不同步调整。
除了免输密码限额以内、使用银联芯片信用卡“免密免签”功能或在境外免输密码网络交易等几种情况,Apple Pay在支付时要求笔笔输密,密码与实体卡密码相同,且不能单独修改。如果实体卡密码有调整,Apple Pay的密码也要同步更新。
The mobile phone payment mobile function launched by Apple Corp launched in China in February 2016, the mobile phone payment field leader, Alipay and WeChat's powerful rival, quickly occupied the digital payment market ApplePay with security / simple / privacy. It is a NFC based mobile payment function released by Apple Corp at the 2014 Apple autumn Ji Xinpin conference, and it was in October 20, 2014 in the US. China officially launched. Two thirds of new Apple pay users used the service multiple times in November. Applepay users use applepay 1.4 times a week on average. At 5:00 a.m. on February 18, 2016, the applepay business was launched in China. It's safe, simple, and it's also private to pay in the store or app. It's both simple and safe. You don't have to rummage around for your wallet, or waste time looking for the right card. Now, you can pay with your credit card or debit card at the touch of *. Applepay is simple and easy to use, allowing you to pay with a variety of cards stored in common devices. It will not disclose the details of your card in the process of use, because these materials will not be stored on your device at all, so it is very safe and private to pay with applepay on iPhone, applewatch or iPad. Applepay supports 19 banks in China, including industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Bank of communications of China, postal savings, China Merchants Bank, industrial bank, China CITIC Bank, Minsheng Bank, Ping An Bank, Everbright Bank, Huaxia Bank, Shanghai Development Bank, China Guangfa bank, Bank of Beijing, Bank of Ningbo, Bank of Shanghai and Bank of Guangzhou Debit and credit cards. And by associating them with applepay, you can use the new payment service. Apple pay supports iPhone series, iPad series and applewatch (the specific adaptation model is subject to the official website data). Note: iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S are not supported by themselves, but the applewatch connected to them can be used, because the 5 series phones do not have NFC. How to use applepay requires adding a bank card to the wallet program of Apple system. After iPhone users click to enter wallet, click the + sign at the top right of the screen, and then click "next" to enter the application page, and then place the front of the bank card in front of the iPhone camera, so that the card surface appears in the prompt box of the screen, the system will automatically identify the card number, of course, you can also enter the card number manually. Next, you need to manually enter the name, card validity and security code, as well as Read the business instructions and choose to accept. After the card is added successfully, it can only be activated. The customer needs to confirm the mobile number, receive and input the verification code to activate successfully. If you need to add it to applewatch, you can also set it by opening the watchapp on the associated iPhone, clicking "wallet and applepay", and then clicking "add credit or debit card". Note that applepay is only supported in IOS 9.2 and above. Multiple bank cards can be added to the same device. ICBC said that five credit cards can be added to the same Apple device, and the first one is the default card. Customers can set the card as the default payment card by long pressing the card and ranking it first in the "wallet" app, or set the default payment card in the "settings wallet and applepay" function. To use applepay, you do not need to connect your mobile phone to the Internet, or click to enter the app, or even wake up the display screen. As long as the iPhone is close to the card reader with UnionPay flash payment logo, and you put your finger on the home key to verify your fingerprint, you can pay. You can also click the home screen button twice to enter wallet when the iPhone is in the black screen lock state to purchase. If the transaction terminal displays that it needs to enter the password, it also needs to enter the transaction password of the bank card. It only takes a second or two to complete the applepay payment. The payment limit is based on the information provided by ICBC. The payment card in applepay is valid for five years, and there is no annual fee or loss reporting fee. The applepay payment card applied by the customer and the bound existing credit card use a unified account to share the account credit limit. The single payment limit of applepay payment card is 20000 yuan, and the daily accumulative payment limit is 50000 yuan. Customers can apply for adjustment of card credit limit through ICBC business outlets, e-banking and other channels. If the customer adjusts the credit limit of entity card, the applepay payment card is not adjusted synchronously. In addition to the use of UnionPay chip credit card's "password free signature free" function or overseas password free network transaction within the password limit, applepay needs to input the password in writing when making payment, and the password is the same as the entity card password, which cannot be modified separately. If the entity card password is adjusted, the applepay password should also be updated synchronously.