ARM & HAMMER(艾禾美)是一个有着165年历史的品牌。其产品广泛覆盖以小苏打为主要原料的消费类和专业护理类产品,包括艾禾美小苏打, 以及独有天然小苏打、能清除污渍和异味的艾禾美洗衣液,和独有高含量的牙科级小苏打、深层清洁牙齿的艾禾美牙膏。产品均为美国原装进口。
2001年,切迟-杜威收购了USA Detergents有限公司,将产品扩展到了家居护理领域,其中包括XTRA和NICEn fluffy等品牌。
同年,切迟-杜威又收购了Carter-Wallace有限公司的消费品业务,获得了ARRID止汗剂系列产品。并通过与一家私人企业合资成立的Armkel有限责任公司(切迟-杜威持有该公司50% 的股份)收购了Carter-Wallace的其余业务,包括 特洛伊 安全套、NAIR脱毛剂和FIRST RESPONSE家庭孕检和排卵检查套装。
2003年,切迟-杜威收购了联合利华在美国和加拿大的口腔护理业务,获得MENTADENT PEPSODENT和AIM牙膏品牌以及CLOSE-UP品牌的使用权。2005年底,切迟-杜威又从宝洁公司收购佳洁士电动牙刷业务,进一步拓展了口腔护理的领域。
Founded in the United States in 1846, arm & hammer is a brand with a history of 165 years. Its products widely cover consumer and professional care products with sodium bicarbonate as the main raw material, including alphamel sodium bicarbonate, unique natural sodium bicarbonate, alphamel washing liquid that can remove stains and peculiar smell, and alphamel toothpaste with high content of dental grade sodium bicarbonate and deep cleaning teeth. All products are imported from the United States. Founded in 1846, cechi Dewey Co., Ltd. is the largest producer of natural baking soda (scientific name: sodium bicarbonate, a natural raw material for cleaning, deodorizing, fermentation and buffering) in the United States. Arm & Hammer brand held by the company is one of the brands trusted by consumers in the United States. Its products widely cover consumer and professional care products with baking soda as the main raw material. Cechi Dewey's consumer products include two major parts: (U.S.) domestic consumer products - including household and personal care products, and international consumer products - mainly personal care products. More than half of the company's consumer products in the United States use arm & hammer series trademarks. In 2001, cechi Dewey acquired usadetergents Co., Ltd. and expanded its products to the field of home care, including Xtra and nicenfluffy. In the same year, cechi Dewey acquired the consumer goods business of Carter Wallace Co., Ltd. and obtained the series of arrid antiperspirant products. And acquired the rest of Carter Wallace's business, including Trojan condoms, Nair hair remover and firstesponse family pregnancy and ovulation test kits, through a joint venture with a private company, armkel, LLC, in which chech Dewey owns 50% of the company. In 2003, Che Dewey acquired Unilever's oral care business in the United States and Canada, and obtained the right to use the MENTADENTPEPSODENT and AIM toothpaste brands as well as the CLOSE-UP brand. At the end of 2005, cechi Dewey purchased crest electric toothbrush business from P & G company, further expanding the field of oral care.