PerDormire,意大利文意为“每个人的睡眠守护者”。正如创始人所说,为每一位用户带来优质的睡眠体验,是我们的使命。PerDormire成立于1971年,由手工世家CASO(卡索)家族创立,隶属于MATERASSIFICIO MONTALESE S.P.A (意大利蒙塔莱斯集团),总部坐落于意大利佛罗伦萨。自成立以来,凭借MADE IN ITALY的生产工艺、创新精神、专业技术和睡眠科技,成为行业内的成功典范。
经过两代人47年的不懈努力, PerDormire取得了长足的发展,目前拥有超过20000平方米的现代化生产研发中心,240名员工,并将床垫的日产量从最初的40张提高到今天的3000张。
PerDormire特邀意大利先锋设计大师 FABIO NOVEMBRE 设计寝具,成为设计界的一大盛事。FABIO先生曾任Bisazza美术总监,为Cappellini、Driade、Casamania、Flaminia等品牌设计家具,也是AC米兰总部 、兰博基尼总部、上海世博会意大利展馆设计者,其作品“Divina”躺椅、“Her”及“Him”椅、 “Nemo”面具椅风靡世界。
PerDormire与意大利学府比萨大学、意大利古老学府瑞吉欧大学开展了人体工程学、分子医学等领域的睡眠科研合作,与拜尔医学、FORmula medicine进行了医学级安全面料及垫层的开发,与Sleepacta进行了睡眠大数据的检测和分析研究合作。
Perdormire, Italian means "everyone's sleep Guardian". As the founder said, it is our mission to bring quality sleep experience to every user. Perdormire was founded in 1971 by CaSO (CaSO) family, which belongs to materasificiomontales. P.A (montales group), headquartered in Florence, Italy. Since its establishment, it has become a successful model in the industry by virtue of its production process, innovative spirit, professional technology and sleep technology. After 47 years of unremitting efforts of two generations of bedding brands in Italy, PerDormire has made great progress. At present, it has more than 20000 square meters of modern production and R & D center, 240 employees, and has increased the daily production of mattresses from the initial 40 to today's 3000. Perdormire has been widely recognized by the market. It has more than 100 stores in Italy and ranks in the forefront of major bedding brands in Italy. Perdormire has gradually transcended national boundaries and started the process of business internationalization in more than 40 overseas markets in Europe, Asia, America and Africa. It has more than 350 stores in the world and is still expanding the share of emerging markets. Fabionovembre, the Italian pioneer designer, has been making an amazing appearance at the Milan national furniture exhibition, a global design vane, for 15 consecutive years. Perdormire specially invited Italian pioneer designer fabionovembre to design bedding, which became a great event in the design industry. Mr. Fabio once served as artistic director of Bisazza. He designed furniture for Cappellini, driade, casamania, Flaminia and other brands. He is also the designer of AC Milan headquarters, Lamborghini headquarters and Italy Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo. His works "Divina" reclining chair, "her" and "him" chair and "Nemo" mask chair are popular all over the world. With the combination of science and technology and nature, pure Italian sleep perdormire has a strong R & D and innovation team, which has been focusing on the research and development of new production processes and new material applications, striving to be able to reflect the value of scientific research on products to a large extent. At the same time of continuous integration with modern manufacturing technology, perdormire also pays attention to environmental protection and health, and draws materials from nature, such as vegetable seeds, plant fibers extracted from herbaceous fruits and essential oils for sleep, striving to provide natural, harmonious and healthy sleep quality. Perdormire has carried out sleep research cooperation in the fields of ergonomics and molecular medicine with the University of Pisa and Reggio, the ancient Italian university. It has developed medical grade safety fabrics and cushions with Bayer medicine and formulamedicine, and cooperated with sleepapta in the detection and analysis of sleep big data.